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Jiří Russ
Jiří Russ

Previewing videos  en

Автор: Jiří Russ
Просмотрено 1727, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Dear I have a question, When I insert a video file into a project from a local file on your computer and will give a preview, the preview does not display message appears but Pligin Adobe Flash Player needs your permission to start. How do I turn on in your program? See sample

2 Ответы
John S.
John S.

Hello Russ

In the PRO version ( which are the one you have ) you are able to choose a browser when previeving.

Normally when I do a preview for a page with a video, no video is shown. Then ( in the upper right corner ) I can choose one of my browsers, and if I choose Chrome or Firefox, then I can preview the video.

Kind regards

John S.

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