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Michael P.
Michael P.

Headings wont change with dropdown menu  en

Автор: Michael P.
Просмотрено 2230, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

The headings of the menus will not change with the dropdown menu i want them the same why are they not changing.

Please help and tell me its not working

7 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Michael, I do not understand the question. Do you want the drop down menu for the responsive view drop down to look the same as the current drop downs look like in desktop view? (if so, this is not possible).


Do you want the desktop drop downs to look as they do for responsive drop downs? (this is possible and relatively easy).

I suspect that this post is related to these 2 posts to which you have not responded. It would make it far easier for us to help you if you maintained only one post per topic and acknowledged our replies advising if they were useful, the correct answer or did not fix the problem and what else you would like to know.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Michael P.
Michael P.

No i want all the buttons to look the same in desktop veiw even the top ones under the header they wont change.

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Размещено От Michael P.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

If you want your menu buttons in desktop view to look like the drop down menu buttons, go to step 2 template, customisation, main menu, 3D style (it looks like you have selected bevel, light direction top left). Under the menu items tab you can select, background colour, text colour and border colour.

Is that what you want??

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Hello Michael, 

can you please post some screenshots of the problem? In this way we will be able to provide you with better assistance.

Thank you in advance. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Michael P.
Michael P.

Im specifically talking about the


Fishing spots


Catch & cook


Buttons all the buttons across the top of the menus,that start the menus the ones that turn light blue when the mouse runs over them surly you can see that these five buttons are not the same as the rest in the menu colums

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Размещено От Michael P.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Michael, my answer above specifically address that.

The image below shows a rough approximation of your submenu

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Michael P.
Michael P.

Thankyou so much it was my fault for not reading your reply correctly and not looking under my nose.

You are all terrific

X5 is fantastic


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Размещено От Michael P.