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S C P.
S C P.

Email form features  en

Автор: S C P.
Просмотрено 2048, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I am a relatively new user of Website X5 Evolution. I find the software very sophisticated and versatile. I am quite comfortable in setting up Email form using its own object in the software.

Email form object is very convenient feature. It takes care of all configuration issues internally which is nice (In previous form handler I was using I had to specify universal configuaration items and form specific configuration items, it was a lot of work which is not required here). My questions are as follows:

(1) When using email form object on a page I select the fields that are appropriate for the form. One of the fields is Attachment and possible file extensions are to be specified. This is wonderful. However it appears that email attachements are simply attached to the email that is sent when customer clicks on Submit. Sometimes the attachments are quite large, say 10MB to 50MB. It is preferred that these attachments are actually saved in a folder instead of attached to email. My question: Is there a way to send all attachments for that particular email form to a designated folder, say

(2) In Data Management section I am able to select Email form script and there are a number of choices. PHP Mailer is recommended. Are there situations in which any of the other scripts would be better? Or, are there situations in which PHP mailer would not work?

Thank you for the opportunity to explore these questions.

3 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello S C P.,

1) The only option would be to send the email form data to a database so it's stored on the hosting. As alternative you could use the option "send data to a file" where with a custom php or asp file you choose what needs to be done with the content of the fields.

In any case take in consideration some hosting provider could have upload size limits.

2) If one script works better than the other depends only on the settings of the hosting server you are using. It can be some hosting server to not support one of the email scripts and it's why the program offers these alternatives.

Generally PHP Mailer is the best option since on most hosting server it is supported but in case it should not work it will be necessary to contact the hosting provider to ask which settings are supported on the hosting server to send emails from the website.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
S C P.
S C P.

I appreciate the fact that the feature of being able to save all email fields data to a database is most important and it is indeed available on Website X5 Evolution 13.

(1) The feature that I am looking for is perhaps not so commonly needed. Although being able to send only the attachments to a folder (and not all data submitted in forms such as name, phone, etc.) is quite useful. I appreciate what you are saying regarding a custom php, for me that is the form handler I have been using and it is a php code. If you would like to view current implementation in my previous website, it is here: h

Upload file size can be conveniently stated in php.ini. I was with a vDeck company and I modified php.ini for larger uploads. I recently moved to a cPanel webhost and have not found a need yet to modify php.ini as basic setup already allows large uploads.

My website using Website X5 Evolution 13 is under development and I am certain it will be a tremendous improvement over what I have now. Therefore, for me it would be useful to have a custom email object availabe for purchase with credits that sends attachments to a folder.

(2) For mailer I am quite satisfied with PHP Mailer and have not found a need for other mailers although I am glad they are available.

Thank you for the opportunity to explore these questions.

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Размещено От S C P.
Claudio D.

Hello S C P.,

I've set your post as IDEA so the developers will take it in suggestion for future releases of the program to introduce this option.

At the moment there is no option or optional object with this feature but it will be considered by the developers to introduce it.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.