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Steve D.
Steve D.

PayPal address problem  en

Автор: Steve D.
Просмотрено 5563, Подписчики 4, Размещенный 0  

Hi, Since today we are experiencing problems when our costumers try to pay with PayPal.

They get an error stating that the address info is not correct   (see attached screenshot)

Any ideas?

Thx  Steve

16 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Elisa B.

Hi Steve, 

have you already got in touch with Paypal? It could have been a temporary problem form their side, as the message seems to arrive directly for Paypal. Are you still experiencing the same issue? 

Please let me know. I wish you a lovely day.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Shaun M.
Shaun M.

I am getting the same problem from today as well. paypal says it is a problem with the website and not at their end

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Размещено От Shaun M.
Shaun M.
Shaun M.

This is paypals reply.

Thank you for contacting Merchant Technical Services.

I have tested your Site with some random information for the shipping address :
• This error could be different things. However I have checked your account and it is showing an "Address Error" during the test. It could a couple of things:
1. We have made an integration upgrade recently (3 weeks ago) and you would have to check if your implementation is meeting the new standards. Here is the links

2. Other thing could be:

Usually this error happens when a seller is using the "address_override" option in their checkout or button code. When this variable is set to "1", it means that the address provided during your checkout is set to override any address in the customer's PayPal account. With this setting turned on, the customer would not have the option to edit the shipping address when they are redirected to PayPal for checkout. If the buyer entered an invalid shipping address on your website, they would probably see this error message. Usually an address is invalid if the buyer didn't enter one of the required values (name, address line 1, city, province/state, postal code and country ) or that information is not being sent to PayPal when the buyer is redirected to us for checkout.

The best solution is to remove the "address_override" variable from your button or checkout code. Another option if you want to leave the address_override setting on, is to make sure your checkout is validating the address form to ensure all required fields are provided and have acceptable formats.

Here is the list of the values you need to pass on and how, if you want to keep using address_override=1

first_name= Max 32 char
last_name= Max 32 char
email= Max 127 char
address1= Max 100 char
city= Max 40 char and the value for some countries must correspond to a zip, state e country
state= just 2 Uppercases Char, must be one of these values:
zip= Max 40 char and the value for some countries must correspond to a zip, state e country
country= just 2 Uppercases Char, must be one of these values
night_phone_b = it must be a numeric value, no special characters
Please, don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or issues or checkout the MTS forum -

Merchant Technical Support

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Размещено От Shaun M.
Elisa B.

Hello Steve

Please follow the procedure explained in this guide. It's in Italian, so I will provide you with a brief translation:

  • You must copy the first code and paste it into the personalized payment method
  • Customize the code by modifying the parameters indicated in bold
  • To customize the settings:
  1. &business=***> instead of *** you must insert  the e-mail address that you use to receive payments from Paypal
  2. & currency_code = EUR> if you want the payments to be in € you can leave it like this, otherwise you have to put the currency you need.
  3. & return = http% 3A% 2F% 2Furldiconferma> insert the confirmation page URL of your website. You have to go to insert the URL the confirmation page URL of your website and click on "Encode", copy the generated URL and paste it into the personal code in WebSite X5.
  4. & cancel_return = http% 3A% 2F% 2Furldierrore> go to and repeat the procedure, this time with the error page URL of your site.

I wish you a good day.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Same problem here . see what PayPals says can anyone help

There’s a problem with your shipping address.

Please return to the merchant and update your information, including your city, state, and ZIP code.

Christine Smith

10 Hyde Road Caddington

Luton Bedfordshire LU1 4HE

Dear Christine Smith,

Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding integration issues showing an error message due to the address.

  1. We have made an integration upgrade recently (3 months ago) and you would have to check if your implementation is meeting the new standards. Here is the links

Here is the list of the values you would have to pass and how: first_name= Max 32 char last_name= Max 32 char email= Max 127 char address1= Max 100 char city= Max 40 char and the value for some countries must correspond to a zip, state e country state= just 2 Uppercases Char, must be one of these values: zip= Max 40 char and the value for some countries must correspond to a zip, state e country country= just 2 Uppercases Char, must be one of these values night_phone_b = it must be a numeric value, no special characters

  1. Other thing could be:

Usually this error happens when a seller is using the "address_override" option in their checkout or button code. When this variable is set to "1", it means that the address provided during your checkout is set to override any address in the customer's PayPal account. With this setting turned on, the customer would not have the option to edit the shipping address when they are redirected to PayPal for checkout. If the buyer entered an invalid shipping address on your website, they would probably see this error message. Usually an address is invalid if the buyer didn't enter one of the required values (name, address line 1, city, province/state, postal code and country ) or that information is not being sent to PayPal when the buyer is redirected to us for checkout.

The best solution is to remove the "address_override" variable from your button or checkout code. Another option if you want to leave the address_override setting on, is to make sure your checkout is validating the address form to ensure all required fields are provided and have acceptable formats. Because I am not able to see your implementation code, I wouldn't know whether is an technical issue or a problem with the set up of the account.

Please, don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or issues or checkout the MTS forum -

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely, Shelley PayPal Copyright © 1999-2017 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.

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Размещено От Christine C.
Steve D.
Steve D.

Incomedia should sort this out ASAP with an update. Not going to buy X5 14 unless this is solved! This kind of stuff comes right out of the box. That's why i started with X5.

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Размещено От Steve D.
Steve D.
Steve D.

BTW, got the same answer from paypal as the 2 above.

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Размещено От Steve D.
Steve D.
Steve D.

The solution that Elisa gave works but still, it's not how it should be. seems PayPal changed this allready months ago so Incomedia could have anticipated to these problems and new standards also for costumers with an older version of X5!

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Размещено От Steve D.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I doubt Paypal consulted Incomedia when they made the changes.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
John R.
John R.


Tried your code. Doesn't work for me unfortuently.  It's pretty shoddy that we have to become coders to use your system now. The whole reason that I use incromedia is so I DON'T have to use code. But I digress.

Once I get to the final page, there is no button available. (See attached)

When I imput the code, it seems to duplicate itself. Is this supposed to happen?

Also, my confirmation & error pages just link back to the homepage. Will this bear any relevence on the situation? If so, how can I create/find the url to these pages? (Since I can't get to such a screen)

Could someone give me the exact code that I can just copy/paste in? 

Sales email: ***


I appreciate the help.

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Размещено От John R.
John S.
John S.

Hello Esach

I think InCOMEDIA has been aware of this for some days.

INCOMEDIA has a beginner, an evolution and a PRO version for their software.

When people buy the PRO version, they should expect the software could be used for business.

When you have an e-shop it is essential that the payment is functioning. Of course there can be issues that appear - but if there comes an issue where a key-function is not functioning, then INCOMEDIA should take hand of this when they are aware of the problem.

It would be good if INCOMEDIA could tell that they are aware of the problem - that they are working to solve the problem ASAP, and that there is a workaround for those that are not afraid of some kind of coding.

Esahc - we must understand that people that has a business, feel that this is a problem.

Kind regards

John S.

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Размещено От John S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Steve, you say above that you will not contemplate upgrading to V14 unless this issue is resolved, in this post Claudio states this is only an issue with V12 and earlier

In view of the impending new release I would contemplate an upgrade (& if it is on offer you may be entitled to buy V13 now to fix paypal immediately and receive a free upgrade to V14).

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Hi John R. ,
I am sorry to read that you are having the same issue, too and I can understand that using the code might seems difficult. Anyway, the issue has been solved in the version 13, which I see you have on your account. I suggest you therefore to import your version 10 project into WebSite X5 Evolution 13, you should solve it this way.

If you keep having difficulties despite that, please open a separate support request, so to let us help you.

Thank you for your collaboration. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

Hi Elisa,
I doubt your solution would help John R. I built several sites with X5 Pro v11 and when I tried importing the projects into v13 this morning it destroyed them. They look nothing like the originals and have images missing.

On the other hand, my sites do not appear to be affected by PayPal's changes because I use PayPal's own BuyNow buttons. Perhaps that would be a simpler solution for John R. and others? I suppose it all depends on how many products he has to create buttons for although the procedure is very simple and once the first button has been created you can use the duplicate button option to speed everything up.

A couple of other good reasons for using PayPal's buttons are that they can be completely personalized (see as an example) and PayPal's system tracks your inventory levels too. When you reach a certain level of stock, which you predetermine, their system sends you a mail every time to warn you to reorder.

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Размещено От Adrian E.
Elisa B.

Hi Adrian, 

thank you for your suggestion. 

I kindly ask you to open a separate post for the import issue, so we can look into it and find a solution. 

Thanks! Have a nice day.

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Размещено От Elisa B.