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Tom W.
Tom W.

V14 pro upgrade refund procedure  en

Автор: Tom W.
Просмотрено 2960, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Dear Incomedia,

I really appreciate all your efforts over the years but unfortunately I'd like to ask for a refund for the recent upgrade to v14 pro. I've been a loyal upgrader but this time I have to say 'no'. I will try v15 next year. Can you please let me know what the procedure is?

With kindest regards,


5 Ответы
Elisa B.

Hello Tom,

I'm really sorry to hear that from you.

May I ask what led you to this decision? Please consider that having pre-ordered WebSite X5 14 you have 60 days from the pour chase date to receive the refund. If you let us know what the difficulties are, we will be happy to fix any irregularity you might have experienced.

To ask for refund, you should email your request to our international store: ***
To allow them proceed, please remember to write them your Order ID or, alternatively, the invoice number.
You should receive a message back in 24/48 hours.

I really hope you will give us another try.
Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Tom W.
Tom W.

Dear Elisa,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

The reason behind my decision is that working with X5 has become more and more frustrating. Stability has been an issue for quite a bit of time and the most irritating part is when objects just stop working properly with either version upgrade (this time from v13 to v14) and ALSO with every object update. Now it just makes it impossible to work. Currently Animated Image, Animated Button and Flip Clock just stopped displaying properly. And yes, I have updated them all. Currently just now I tried to have X5 v14 rebuilt preview by Ctrl+preview and first it took 90% of the processor power and 26GB!! of RAM just to cause the complete system crash. On the hardware side I use Dell Optiplex i7, 32GB RAM and a Samung Pro SSD drive. Windows 10 Pro (also updated). So I'm simply stuck with work. I am sorry but I am a bit frustrated here as I need to finish 2 projects soon.

Kindest regards,


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Размещено От Tom W.
Claudio D.

Hello Tom,

Can I please ask you more informations about the issue you experienced?

About the rebuilt of the preview how big is this project?

Do you experience it also with a new project?

Can you please send us the crash report so we can analyze it?

For the objects please test them too on a new project to see if there you have the same issue.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Tom W.
Tom W.

Hi Claudio,

I believe we tackled it in a different thread.

Kindest regards,


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Размещено От Tom W.
Claudio D.

Hello Tom,

Let's please continue on the other thread to find a solution for the issue you experience. I replied you on the other thread.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.