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Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

Template purchase  en

Автор: Ahmed E.
Просмотрено 2299, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


recently  I had purchased a template and when I try to use it seams I have to create it! the template is AID Insurance and need to use same template but with my photos and texting wth some more editing.

Any advice and what's the process?

Moreover, aren't there English videos tutorials for parallax and the new professional updates?

7 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Claudio D.

Hello Ahmed E.,

Can you please explain me the issues you are experiencing with this project template?

You need to download the project file from the download section of your profile and then import it.

Once imported you can open it and edit it by changing the text and the images in it.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

Hi Claire as Claudio

I mean that I had purchased the template and when I pick the template to work on it gives me an empty pages without any images or objects like in the template that I can choose or replace with. I have to start from the scratch

Hi Andre, unfortunately the link didn't help

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Размещено От Ahmed E.
Claudio D.

Hello Ahmed E.,

If you choose only the template then this one has no content. You need to download the project template from your profile here in the download section and then import it and then you will have all the content of this project template which you can customize.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

Hi Claudio,

what you mention is logic to me, however I had purchased the FULL template, but I didnt find the project to downlaod ! does it require to purchase the project?

I can download ONLY exe file which has the tempate. and there is no tutorial to use this template and get same results as the project on the website.

Moreover, I am also looking for an English tutorial on how to build a website like yours with different parallax per page?

Finally, I just purchased V13 and supposed to have V14, how to get it downlaoded, cant find it in my downlaods?

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Размещено От Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

Hi Claudio,

after some digging (unfortunatley there is no documentaions for this or tutorrials) I m assume that (.exe file) at template section in my online account has the project, while if I need to redownload the template It's ONLY available through the application only at Lincense categories in templates, AM I right?

Waht's more, I had downloaded the project but still confused with changing the pictures, as the home page has only the simple work that I could do, while the other attracctive work like multiple parallex I dondont know how to access that and tha's why i asked before about English tutorial and how to build a website like the one you have in your main page.

Regarding V14, I had found the email in my inbox and downloaded, thank you.

appreciate if youcould help with the tutorials or how to change the photos?

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Размещено От Ahmed E.
Claudio D.

Hello Ahmed E.,

Yes the exe file has the project. You need to extract it and then import the project file.

To access to the parallax in step 4 on the page click on "Row formats" in the upper tool bar and then you will access to the section where you can change the images used for the parallax or add further ones to other rows.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.