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V. Sezer
V. Sezer

Website x must consider  en

Автор: V. Sezer
Просмотрено 2378, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

WebsiteX founders of 2 brothers started this template style bussiness with hope. Saves us many hours of coding. Thanks.

How ever over the years instead of taking big gaint step forward being generous each year with new version comes with limitations.

I can see and understand the differences must be with the versions and the product choose. The differences I believe between Evolation and the Pro must be on more and more selling and it's transition side instead of software offered.

For example:

As an ordinary person It got nothing to do with me online store. For this reason it will be useless for me the buy Pro. How ever on breaking points where every body in needs to have same oppurtunity as Pro version.

Please, do not tied up and penalised ordinary people with locking up ableblity of soft.Give us more freedom on breaking points.

Why Apple so succsesful over the others?

They are so generous. They do not locking up users . 

With my best regards

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
A. Kris
A. Kris


I share the thought of V.Sezer.
Right! and to review the day-to-day options for a site to work properly. Some areas should also be allowed for private users who use the Evo version without having to use the Pro version. One of these settings is the insertion of breaking points for the responsive, the otherthe possibility of corrections for SEO , now it is necessary for all websites.

google translate from***

Condivido il pensiero di V. Sezer.
Giusto! e da rivedere le opzioni neccessari oggi giorno per un corretto funzionamento di un sito. Devono essere lasciati modficabili alcune zone anche per gli utenti privati che usano la versione Evo, non avendo bisogno della versione Pro. Uno di queste impostazioni: inserimenti punti di rottura per il responsive, altro la possibilità  di correzzioni per il SEO , ormai è neccessario per tutti i siti web.

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