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Zeljko B.
Zeljko B.

Database viewer - more flexible and functional  en

Автор: Zeljko B.
Просмотрено 3216, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I would like to suggest more functions in the database viewer.

Please try to give us control over the column width, where to put and which buttons (Add, Modify, Delete, Print, Filter). On this way, database viewer would become a serious tool for developers.

Also, consider showing master/detail tables in database viewer! It shoul contain two tables, master and a detail.

Then, only the sky is the limit.


1 Ответы
John S.
John S.

Hello Zeljko

I agree it would be nice to have more functions in the database viewer.

I don't however, think that we will have the possibility to join tables.

But - until then :

I can suggest to you, the REPORTICO report tool.

It is free, it is documented and it is supported - and most omportant it is amazing.

I use it myself. You can see an example here :

I have integrated REPORTICO in my testsite by using iframes.

You could try to click the : 

Then ctrl+l Mouse to choose 

Then OK and then GO.

In the HTML-view you see, you can do a further search - you see the result instantly.

You can see som more info, documentation and demo here :

In reportico you can join more tables and make selection tables - it is amazing.

This post is not an advertisement - REPORTICO is free and open source. It can be used as a powerful tool ( see it as an object ) together with the X5 software.

Kind regards

John S.

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