Shop Item Quantity, In Evo 9? 
Автор: Olov S.
Просмотрено 3351,
Подписчики 2,
Размещенный 73
I wonder if it in Evo 9 is possible to have one Item of each and then it closes when somebody Buys it?
No, this was not possible in v8 and it's not possible in v9. It's very hard to do such this feature because you need to install a database on your server and link together different tools such "invoice manager" and "stock manager". By this way you can track the products that are really shipped, so remover from your cart.
An example: if somebody orders your last product but didn't pay you, that product could not be sold and you lose a new customer!
Anyway we're looking to find a way to create a sort of online solution that works as a plug-in for WSX5 that permits to manage the orders. I'll let you know when we'll have news.
Any news on this? This is the one feature that I'm really missing in Evo8/9. For now it would even be sufficient if you could tick a checkbox like 'temporary sold out' or 'order in process' or something as administrator, without needing to upload anything to the server.
No, I think it's not possible in this way... it is necessary to create a online access to the cart so you can do that directly from your website.
Ok, thanks for replying. Keep us posted :-)
I really need that function too.please advise when you have a solution.
Can somebody tell me please, when we can expect this function in Version 9 ?
Thanks Guys
This suggestion is set as idea. I cannot tell you exactly when it will be ready. It could be good to leave this message here so other people can add a comment. I'll keep you updated as soon as I have new info.
I also am looking for this function without having to use an external solution.
I you can do it we would all be very grateful.
hello, i search this solution too. I have only 1 piece of object to sell. If i leave this like the version 9 do, 2 cosumers can buy the same object.
Please , when you sort a solution for this, say me. thanks
I can actually not use website x5 if this is not solved. I cannot sit behind the computer for 24 hours to see if anybody buys something and than quickly take it off the site. If anybody has a solution, even outside evo 9 that would be great.
Hi Rolf, can you tell me which kind of product do you sell? This will help me to understand.
As I suggested above, if someone buy one product and decide to pay you via Bank Account, you need to wait for the payment. This normally could take several days. If this customer doesn't pay you (for any reason), you lose your order and you will also lose the possibility to find another customer during those days!
The best way, I think, is to let the customers of your website to know the is product is available immeditely or they need to wait some days for that.
Let me know about your case, so I can better understand. Thanks!
Hi Steve, I sell mineral specimens (crystals). I thought the following: when a customer presses the "buy now" button, the item goes to the cart. he is finished shopping or shops more. he is happy with the contents of the cart and i only give 1 option for postage and 1 option to pay (PayPal), so these are both ticked already. He/she clicks "next" to fill in his details (that is a problem with me also, it is not visible). after that i do not know what happens, because i can not go past the customer details, because they are not visible. But there must come something to tell him/her the sale is done (and legally binding) and that should be linked to the item and say " this item is sold/not available". If he /she does not pay, that is my problem and i just unblock the item again. Regards Rolf
Hello Rolf, thanks for your answer.
What I need to know is: if a user order the last product in your cart, do you remove that product from your e-commerce at all and forever, or do you add the product after some days. I suppose that you place a new order to your supplier and that you put it in your store after you receive it.
If you do in this way, the product will be always available online and you don't need to remove it from the store. The only problem is that a new customer will have to wait some days instead of have the possibility to receive it immediately. But you can always write it in your online shop a sentence like <<Limited quantity for this product*>> and the star * could be used to describe that if not immediately available, the product will be shipped in 5-6 days.
I hope it is clear what I mean, let me know
No, with crystals, they are unique. once sold, that is it, they will not be replaced with something exactly the same. So, when the deal is done I take them (pictures and text) from the site.
Ok, I see. I suggest you this way:
I suppose to be your customer. I read on your website that the crystals are unique, so they may be not avaiable (this info is also very useful for the customer about the importance of this product). Anyway I decide to order it and pay it.
If the crystal is not avalable, I receive an email that alerts me that the product was just sold and suggest me to buy another crystal of the same type. I can view the images on your website (because you updated it) of the new crystal and decide to buy it, or I can decide to ask for a refund (this is a simple process managed by PayPal).
This could be very good because I can keep the contact of the customer and avoid to lose him because the product is not present on the website.
So, you just need to be clear about the availability on your website to alert the customer about the unicity of your product.
Let me know if this could be good for, just because this solution solve your problem in a simple way. Note that linking the payment of your PayPal account to your online store is not simple to do...
Yes, it might be the only way. I still cannot see what happens after the customer datails are filled in, but I guess I get a confirmation of the order and the customer gets the same. I would say that they must wait with the payment till I give a final confirmation.
That I need anyway if they buy two or more items, because the postage will be less than the sum of the single item postage.
I also thought that when the buy now button is linked to the shopping cart, it could also be linked to the item and impose a "sold" sign or something.
I think about it. First I need to solve the invisible customer details.
Yes, Rolf. Both you and the customer will receive a confirmation email about the order.