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V. Sezer
V. Sezer

Video tutorial on Ipad  en

Автор: V. Sezer
Просмотрено 2249, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 54  
Тэги: html5

I loved once this software is compatable with HTML5 as it is writing.I like it.Becuse of this I want to buy this product.How ever I have tried on my ipad2 to watch tutorial videos but it did not played.Can you tell me why?

12 Ответы
Alexander Nikolaev
Alexander Nikolaev

Is it mean that I can't see any movies from my website using iPad?

Why I can't see also images on my website using iPad?

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Размещено От Alexander Nikolaev
Steve J.

Hello Alexander,

please be sure that you didn't active the Image Protection or the Zoom option. In this way the image will be saved as Flash.

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Размещено От Steve J.
Alexander Nikolaev
Alexander Nikolaev

Thank you, Steve

I'll try to remove image protection

But what about movies?

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Размещено От Alexander Nikolaev
Steve J.

there's no way for movie because of Flash player. The only way could be to add the video from YouTube Embed Code using the HTML Code Object. In way (I think) the video could be visible as HTML5, so Safari can play it. Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.
Alexander Nikolaev
Alexander Nikolaev

By the way, Stive I can see pictures on the pages, generated with Evolution 5.

So, it is problem with Evolution 8 and 9

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Размещено От Alexander Nikolaev
Alexander Nikolaev
Alexander Nikolaev

Hi Steve,

To be honest with you, I can't see Image Galeries. There is no problem with single images.

Does Image Galery use Flash?

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Размещено От Alexander Nikolaev
Steve J.

There's no problems with 8 and 9.. please let me have the URL so I can check that page too. Wink Are you talking about videos or galleries now? Thanks Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.
Alexander Nikolaev
Alexander Nikolaev


It works if I use direct links from my message above (except videos)

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Размещено От Alexander Nikolaev
Steve J.

Yes, as I told you: video could not be show on iPad because they are WMV. Galleries from Evo9 and the one you used in Evo8 are Flash based. The one you used in Evo7 are JS based so they are visible.

You can use a JS based gallery from Evo9, just choose one of the last galleries where you view the thumbnails only. This gallery could also be visible on iPad too.Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.