Customize Comments and Ratings Required Fields 
Автор: Gabriel C.Almost three years ago, I posted an idea to implement a feature to allow us to customize the fields in a guestbook
I was just wondering if this was ever going to get considered or if there was any way for us to vote on ideas or check the status in any way?
As an example, when you use the Website X5 Comments and Ratings Object, there is no way to customize the fields or even change if a field appears or is required or not. This doesn't seem like it would be difficult to implement and it would very helpful when someone wanted a simple commenting system without building database submission and custom viewer scripts or using disqus of Facebook (like for an Intranet).
Also, I changed the default "Internet website" name in the content language settings under blog website as this is the only field that had that same text and it made no difference on the website form. Is there another way to change this?
Dear Gabriel,
thank you for your message.
You can customize the fields for the comments on Step 2 - Template >Text Style- Field / Button.
As to the field Internet website, you can change this field name from the Language Content Management window, look for the field blog_website. Once you changed the name close the window and check the preview.
Thank you. Kind regards.