Hamburger menu 
Автор: Martin M.
Просмотрено 1255,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Please can you advice, how set open hamburger menu like drop down menu without code? Seems always open from left or right side when I click on it, but no simply down. It was possible, but it is not working now. What I need clear or switch?
Seems that somewhere is hold configuration for templates, but outside my PC, I just re-installed website to different pc and there same bad settings, I didn´t save project, but when I tried use some template as previously attempts, there are changes which I didn´t save to some project.
How can I get default version of templates? when I started as attempt some new project, then I am not able download default version of this template, but I downloaded version with some changes, but this changes was applied in some deleted project, I replaced installation and clear program data. How can I fixed, please provide some answer.
and what I download, hamburge menu open from side for all size, when I tried before issues, it was good dropdown menu, I notice, that it is fresh download of template, how is possible that it looks like it:
now seems load of template ok, but settings for hamburger menu are not complete. :-(
Hello Martin M.,
The hamburgermenu has always opened on the right or left side and it never had the option to appear as dropdown menu. This happens only on the complete menu in case you have a level with pages in it.
Many thanks!
Hello Cladio,
ok, what about this item? Is possible set by by website x5 tool? IMenu is open from top. This printscreen is size related to mobile phone or phablet, I checked it on mobile and menu is open from top. What kind of menu is on your page?
Hello Martin,
The helpcenter is not made with WebSite X5 and at the moment it is not possible to have this feature in WebSite X5. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.
Many thanks!