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Danny Van Veenendaal
Danny Van Veenendaal

How can I make my textfield a little bit transparent?  en

Автор: Danny Van Veenendaal
Просмотрено 2051, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


My website is

I used an (photo)image for the background.

I'll like to make the textarea a little bit transparent so you can still see the (photo)image a little bit. I think that's a better introduction from the startscreen of my website.

Now I can chose between full transparent or not. For example: Maybe 50% transparent is better...

Is this option possible?

Grtz Danny

3 Ответы - 2 Полезно
John S.
John S.

Hello Danny

Yes - it is. Mark the textobject and click on the style (Stil) icon

You then get this option(s) - you can set the transparency from 1 - 100.

Hope you are helped by this.

Kind regards

John S.

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Размещено От John S.
John S.
John S.

This is the styling options

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Danny Van Veenendaal
Danny Van Veenendaal

@John S.,

Thank you for your reaction!

Grz Danny

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Размещено От Danny Van Veenendaal