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Joel B.
Joel B.

Mp3 for audio player object are upload each tme i update on Evo Pro 14  fr

Автор: Joel B.
Просмотрено 1950, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


Each time i update my site, all my mp3 are reuploaded, so it take to me more than 2 hours and half to upload rather than 30 minutes.

I'm on EVO PRO 14 on the last official version.

I talk about the addinionnal audio player i have buy on the site, this one :

It's not the basic audio/video player include in EVO PRO, for this one no problem, it is uploaded the first time only.

Of course i choose the option to upload only new data and not the complete site, if a software update can fix it, it will be fine, i have a lot of mp3 for demo on my site and i have buy this additional object to have an audio multiplayer, it work fine online, this reupload of each mp3 each time i update my site is the only problem i have with it.

Thank you.

13 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello Joel,

Did you made changes on the page you have the audio player object or in the header/footer?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hi Claudio, i wish you an happy new year.

I do not made change  on the selected pages where there is the audio player and no change on header/footer, i have done them since some month and all the mp3 are reupload each time.

Thank you for your help.


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Размещено От Joel B.
Claudio D.

Hello Joel,

I wish you too a happy new year.

I just tested it and if I upload only the modified files and I didn't made changes on the page where the object is, the mp3 files are not exported.

Try please to save the project and then close it and open it again and test if then it works correctly.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hi Claudio.

Thank you, for me it do it all the times and reup all the mp3 files that are on several pages that i do not change since some month for some of them.

Of course i save my project before to close Evo 14 Pro and i do not use it every day, all my job is prepare on words before to prepare the update and i shutdown my computer every night.

You do not mean export the project (i do it after each upload every 15 days) and reimport the complete project file ?

My next update will be sunday, i will tell you if something is new, i'm now on the last Beta version of Evo 14 Pro.

Best Regards, Joël

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Размещено От Joel B.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hi Claudio.

Upload done and again all my mp3 have been reupload even for pages where i do not have done any change.

I choose to export only the modified files since my previous update on december 20 :

upload type selection

All my mp3 are uploaded for each object, i do not change anything on this objets or on the pages where are the object : 

mp3 upload

The upload take 2 hours and 30 minutes to be done due to the mp3 upload each time.

One other thing, i have this message at the end of the upload, i did not know why, the site work fine even without no upload of the push notification : 

push notification

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Размещено От Joel B.
Claudio D.

Hello Joel,

Yes I mean to export it as IWZIP and then to import this file again to check if then it works correctly.

About the push notification message it seems the server cannot be reached to notify the push action for FeedReady.

Is the URL in step 1 correct?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hi Claudio, thank you for your answer, i will try to import my last IWZIP when i will prepare the next update, normaly it will be in done in 12 days, so i will tell you after if the mp3 are reupload or no for my next update.

For the push notification, in step 1 General, i have the good url for my site :

In advanced i do not see where to put the url.

Have a nice day.

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Размещено От Joel B.
Claudio D.

Hello Joel,

Thank you for the information. The URL seems to be correct and it only needs to be added in the general settings in step 1.

If you try to export only the blog and RSS feed updates in step 5 do you get the same error message?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hi Claudio, i do not have a blog so i cannot test this..

Thank you.

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Размещено От Joel B.
Claudio D.

Hello Joel,

But you added an RSS feed in step 1 advanced since the Push notification is only used in case of RSS feed or blog feed to the FeedReady app and this option should appear selectable.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hi Claudio, you're right, i do not think i can use this option without blog, it work fine, one file is uploaded with succes.

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Размещено От Joel B.
Claudio D.

Hello Joel,

Thank you for the information.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Joel B.
Joel B.

Hello Claudio, after importing the iwzip file,  made my update  and upload, all is working fine now for mp3.

Thank you for your help.

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Размещено От Joel B.