Issue when exporting website to disk (incomplete file). 
Автор: Jon B.Long story short... I exported my website and uploaded it to my host with no problems. However, the contact page was not working properly (would not send email or redirect to the next page after clicking the send button).
After doing some troubleshooting, I eventually found that there was an issue with the file "". I was able to fix it by closing parantheses and tags, but I have to do this every time I upload the site. Does anybody else have this issue?
Normally, I would use code tags for this, but I do not see any in the menu and do not know if this forum supports them (there is no preview button either).
Here are the contents of the file when exported...
// Users data
$imSettings['access']['users'] = array(
// Admins list
$imSettings['access']['admins'] = array(
It is better to upload directly to your host from x5.
Sometimes there are issues in using your pc as an storage and then upload it through a external program.
It could be a firewall or the external uploader or x5.
Anyway, upload directly it's the best way and use export project to make backups on another drive.
That's the way I have used it for years without any problems.
To find out why it does not work through your pc you need to check files, but why this hassle? i suggest to work directly.
Best Regards,
Why would the export to disk put out a different file than export to host? That really doesn't make sense.
This specific issue is easy enough for me to fix, but the concern is what do I do if it happens to something I don't know how to fix?
Also, I export to disk locally and can confirm that the file is missing its tail at that point in time (i.e. not a firewall or FileZilla issue).
I did a little testing and made a seperate site with just a contact form. When I exported it to disk, the file was correct. Not sure why there is an issue with the initial site.
Thanks for testing, this helps finding out where it goes wrong.
I don't know as well why Jon
But standard x5 does it good, only not in this project.
What you could try is a small workaround to clean the project, export it with export project in step5, then import it again. See if the imported project is correct.
If so -> solved
If not, I will set this post for Incomedia to check.
That did not fix it.
There is only one last thing I can think of. I started this project in WebSiteX5 Free and then imported it into Evolution after purchasing it. Could there be an issue between the two versions that caused this?
Either way, this post was meant more as information rather than asking for help (which I thank you for responding so quickly).
Well no problem anyway.
Free should be able to be impported in EVO.
But matbe it could be an issue.
Do you want me to set it for Incomedia, or will start from scratch? I have no idea how big the project is......
Sorry for late reply. I ended up just building from scratch and copy/pasting content over.
However, I do believe it is an issue with going from free to Evo. I had another issue with the imported project, but not the new project. The issue was that the Administrators group was missing from the Access Management tab. I tried to create it but got an error message saying that it already existed.
But like I said, after starting a new project from Evo, everything works as expected.
Well not the best way but you can continue.
Thanks for the feedback