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Errol W.
Errol W.

HTML withthin the Template Customization Panel  en

Автор: Errol W.
Просмотрено 1305, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I have a count down timer in the header panel. It is displayed on every page. To use the countdown I have to add some java script to the expert section in the properties, as well as the header page. For the timer to work on each page, I have to put the java script in the property section of every page. I am thinking there must be a better solution? Here is a link to the website

Please advise.

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Andre E
Andre E

Yes, there is a better way.

In the statistics, ceo and code part you can add scripts that are used on every page. (step 4)

Then use expert TAB

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