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Henri Vrehen
Henri Vrehen

Where are optional objects saved?  en

Автор: Henri Vrehen
Просмотрено 2088, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I have bought all available optional objects, but i want to save them on disk, in case i need them i.e. reinstall and have no internet available. Or even worst, incomedia is no longer (someting i do not hope). Does someone know where i can make a backup of all my bought extra's. Where are they installed on HD and what folder/files? And how would i activate in case i have no internet available???? BTW i have bought all versions since Version 9.

Regards Henri

4 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Henri,

For security reasons it is needed to contact the incomedia server. (Else you could buy them and sell to or even give away to others.

So I don't think you can or ever wil be, let's hope Incomedia stay's in the air for many years to come.

Best Regards

PS sometimes ( I have had this with several software delivery partys) they set the latest versions and all option free. That is offcource if no other company takes over. But for now, just enjoy the software.

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Размещено От Andre E
Henri Vrehen
Henri Vrehen

Thank you Andre, i do offcourse understand the problem. but they could do so kind of code to evey download/instalation.

But i understand it. I hope if ever they decide to stop or what ever. we get a chance to download a copy of our bought stuff. I bought all there is to get at Incomedia.

Regards Henri and thanks again for the answer.

Greets again.

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Размещено От Henri Vrehen

Henri, you can use for example a tool like Acronis Backup / Rerstore  to save a complete partition and to restore it... no needs to be connected to Internet.

All objects previously installed should be restored.


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Размещено От Axel  
Henri Vrehen
Henri Vrehen

Thank you Axel for your idea, i will try this.

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Размещено От Henri Vrehen