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Frank G.
Frank G.

Attachment BROWSE button in Email Form cuts the word BROWSE off because height of field is too small  en

Автор: Frank G.
Просмотрено 1486, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Attachment file button added in Email Form cuts the word BROWSE off because height of field is too small. can someone help. thx.

here is the webpage

3 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Frank,

Please add your licence code in your portal here in answers (top right pulldown, next to your name -> licences.)

This helps us so we can help you better!

How are you looking at your site? do you have special settings on your screen? (smaller fonts adjusted somewhere?)

My view looks good, see attachement.

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Размещено От Andre E
Frank G.
Frank G.

It was the browser after all. Thank You So Much!

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Размещено От Frank G.
Andre E
Andre E

Yes I suspected as much.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Размещено От Andre E