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Luca F.
Luca F.

Error loading project  en

Автор: Luca F.
Просмотрено 2266, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

while loading some  picture suddenly Window stop working ans shut down X5 and then I get the following message, see the attachment.

12 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Luca F.
Luca F.

as a back up I have the not optimized, but lost some file. I think be nice if the back up was automatic every time publish the site

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Размещено От Luca F.
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Luca,

That option is available in x5, use the pulldown menu next to the save button and set this option on.

If the backup fails also and you don't have one then I am afraid you need to start over again. you can use the the information on internet ,but the rpoject needs to be created from scratch again. sorry.

Make backups more often in step5 export project and save them on a different medium then your x5 is running on. This way you always can fall back.


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Размещено От Andre E
Luca F.
Luca F.

Thanks, the create back up when uploading is on , but I do not find back up copy when I go to project selection back up

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Размещено От Luca F.
Stefano G.

Hi Luca.

Are you sure of this?

With the latest version of the software, I made a test upload and can successfully see the new backup being generated.

Please try again, and eventually get back to me here with some screenshot showing how the upload was made but the backup not being created.

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Andre E
Andre E

Did you select the project - just select- and then hit the backup button? And did you make a backup before manualy?

If it was not set and not made before then you won't find it.

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Размещено От Andre E
Luca F.
Luca F.


 the save at every preview and create a backup copy everytime you upload are marked.

After I upload the project i check in project selection see screenshot, no sign of back up copy

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Размещено От Luca F.
Stefano G.

Hi Luca.

Please try the following.

Perform a manual backup, then export the project as IWZIP at step 5.

Import the project back in the software and test the functionality again.

Let me know if it is fixed for you

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Luca F.
Luca F.

I exported the project as IWZIP, imported back, then upload, but no sign of back up in project selection

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Размещено От Luca F.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Luca, if you use Windows Explorer, navigate to where the projects are (used to be documents/incomedia/website X5 V15 - Evolution, I am not sure of the new naming convention (or why it may have changed)), is there a backup folder inside the project folder, and are there files in it? (I have to admit. I thought backup and restore were a manual process in Evo 15)

In any case, trust the IWZIP (export often), do not put your faith in backups at this time.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Luca F.
Luca F.

OK , thanks now i'll do the IWZIP and export on external drive.

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Размещено От Luca F.
Andre E
Andre E

The iwzip works better then the one build in, I am sure that over time it wil register but if not you always have the iwzip. Make sure you make a new one from time to time.

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Размещено От Andre E