WebSite X5Help Center

Richard F.
Richard F.

Website x5 manager  en

Автор: Richard F.
Просмотрено 1732, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Dobrý de website x5 manager mi píše tutu chybu

Požádejte poskytovatele vašeho hostingu o cestu k adresáři s právy čtení/zápis. Tento adresář musí mít nastavena práva 777

můj poskytovatel hostingu neví v jakém adresáři to má nastavit prosím o pomoc URL:

Good website x5 manager tells me this error Ask your hosting provider for a directory path with read / write permissions. This directory must have 777 privileges set my hosting provider does not know what directory it's supposed to set up for help URL:

1 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E
Лучший пользователь месяца EN

It says the site root folder, so the root folder of the host space you are giving by your provider, lowest folder where you can write in, or even better: The folder you put your website in.

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