Error making project loading impossible 
Автор: Fusion C.
Просмотрено 2190,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Now using Version 15 pro and only one project has been started. It was saved but now can't be reloaded.
After deleting the Preview and Upload files, plus renaming the backup folder's file, there is still no success.
The most typical error message is "[The IP address set for the local Web Server preview is incorrect]".
The other error message is "[End of Central Directory record could not be found.]".
Without a resolution the software is useless, since there is now way to access your work in a reliable fashion.
Does anyone have any suggestions which will WORK?
Thanks in advance
Fusion, there are many posts related to this issue, and this is one
However, if you update to the latest version I believe the issue has been resolved.
Not one of the suggestions have worked. It seems this has been a common problem and all people require is a RELIABLE way to work.
After changing the config.xml file, nothing; after deleting the backup and upload directories, nothing; after 'upgrading to 15.2.2, nothing; after using another ISP/internet connection, nothing.
Why is this software so unreliable? Why should users need to evn have to start editing or deleting files just to simply access work?
Fusion, I am sorry, I misread your original post I suspect. Did you initially get this error message and have you been able to repair it?
If you are getting a different error message, can you please supply a screenshot.
The IP address isuue appears to have been a common problem, but I can not find any that are now unresolved.