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Phat K.
Phat K.

How to set different prices in different currencies (CHF, EUR, USD)  en

Автор: Phat K.
Просмотрено 1260, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


When our webshop goes international, the customers would like to pay in their currencies.

Is there a possibility to assign prices in different currencies for the same product ?

Kind regards,

4 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Phat,

You can only set 1 currancy.

if you wish a function like that please make an IDEA call. I think it is a good Idea and might not be very diffucult to create.

One other way is to create a miltiple language psite from different projects (every project has same info but different language. But for a shop maintaning it will be a hassle.

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Use the help in x5 press F1 one where you are, check also the guides here in the helpcenter, and the best practice in the help file, they provide a lot of information.

Best Regards

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Размещено От Andre E
Phat K.
Phat K.

Dear Andre,

Yes, in this case, we have to work many times a different version of website.

What I think is that you can add one 'field' or 'column' in the database for "price 2" linked to "currency".

And in display of price, if select a flag button, it display one price or the other. Or scroll currency option list.

What do you think ?

Kind regards,

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Размещено От Phat K.
Elisa B.

Hi Phat, 

your suggestion sounds, interesting, I have set your post as Idea, so it can be taken into consideration.

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Phat K.
Phat K.

Hi Elisa,

Excellent !

So I am happy to see that your company takes into account the ideas from customers to improve a good product like website x5.

Kind regards,

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Размещено От Phat K.