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Steve S.
Steve S.

Gallery not showing in smart phone view  en

Автор: Steve S.
Просмотрено 2306, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have a gallery on the front page of my website. In all views except the 480 (smartphone) view the gallery shows up. It does not show on my phone unless I go to landscape position. I cant seem to find any settings that allow me to see the gallery in this view. If its a size issue of the opictures I dont see a way to only limithe size on the phone view. Does anyone have an idea of the solution.

Thanks all.

14 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Steve S.
Steve S.

Esahc....Me and my fumble fingers apoligize. I should have proof read my post a little better!

It's not what i typed above.

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Размещено От Steve S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Steve, go to map, select the home page and open it (step4 pages).

Now click on responsive (top right above layout) and then select the second lowest resolution (on the left hand side of the layout). You can now unhide (Show/Hide on top of page) each of the objects for lower resolutions.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Steve S.
Steve S.


I tried that. At 480 pixels the option to hide/unhide does not work.

I played around with maximum size of the gallery photos. I thought I would have to create a separate gallery for the 480 pixel width and only show that size in the 480 view and show the normal size for everyother view. I dropped the size of the small gallery to 350 pixels and it showed in the 480 view.

I then increased the size of the gallery maximum to more than the original 900x600 before creating a second small gallery. I increased it to 1200x900. I then checked the preview again. For some reason this setting is now showing the gallery in all pixel widths.

So I guess this is kind of solved.

Thank you

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Размещено От Steve S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Steve - are you sure?

If you do a preview and select mobile view, is any content visible?? It certainly is not visible when I reduce the browser width on my PC.

Almost certainly the mobile view has all the objects/cells hidden (it is a frequent occurance when updating from older versions or from desktop only to responsive).

Please let us know your thoughts.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Steve S.
Steve S.

Esahc, I just updated the website to the latest version 16 just to be sure it wasnt an issue. When I go to the responsive setting on the home page at 480 pixels there is nothing there. All the options are grayed out and not available. At 720 pixel view both the text and gallery options are there. 

I am still thinking it is a size issue with each of those when I go to the 480 size view.

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Размещено От Steve S.
Stefano G.

Hi Steve,

I can confirm that this definitely seems to be an issue with a misuse of the Responsive functionality.

Would it be possible for you to share with us the way you configured the responsive view for these pages as screenshots here?

Please let me know so that I might analyze the configuration

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Steve S.
Steve S.

Stefano G,

Thanks for the help. Here are the screen shots from the responsive view at 720 and 480 pixel views.

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Размещено От Steve S.
Steve S.
Steve S.

second screen shot

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Размещено От Steve S.
Steve S.
Steve S.

try these

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Размещено От Steve S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Steve, as I said


Using your example

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Steve S.
Steve S.

Esahc, I appreciate the effort you are providing. But look at the second screen shot. At the 480 pixel view the option to show/hide anything is grayed out and not available. 

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Размещено От Steve S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Make the changes at 720 (the one "above" mobile as I said).

When you do the objects will change from very light blue to a darker blue, click the tick, save, preview - magically mobile content will be visible.

You will need to do this for every page.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Steve S.
Steve S.

Ok I feel pretty dense right now! LOL

I thought the 720 responsive view was set correctly as it was showing up. I checked it again and the views was changed per Esahc suggestion. It appears that all is well now.

THANK YOU for all the help!

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Размещено От Steve S.