Title tag length and how to control the extra at the end 
Автор: John W.Your advisement in the program is to keep the title tag to about 50 to 60 characters, which is good advise. Google SERPS cut them off at a length just over 50 characters especially is a lot of wider letters like m's and w's are used. You do not always get all 60 characters to show.
So in the extended page title in the map, when you enter that longer title which becomes your meta title, the program is also adding the "project name" as typed to the end of the title tag along with (space dash space). The space dash space is 3 characters, then you have the length of your project name (which most likely should be your company name) added in there. Mine is Eclectic-ware. So _-_Eclectic-ware is added to the end of every page title tag. Which is not a bad thing. But that is 16 characters added to the title tag. It will most likely be truncated in all the serps since most of my title tags will be 50+ characters. And I know by being there, it still counts for SEO and letting the robots know the page is related to Eclectic-ware or thus owned by me. I know you can have 100+ long title tags but everything on the end will not be seen, except by the robots. The uppity robots might penalize you though for too long of a title tag. Most probably will not.
Question is: Is there a way to turn off that automated function of adding the project name to the end of every title tag? I notice it adds it in to that imHeader tag also when it is set to be the H1 tag. Then the default H2 tag is loaded with the Page Title (extended title), but without the project name. These are nice automated features, just wondering if there are options to select them as: a) yes, go ahead and do it, or b) turn you off sucker.
On web sites like MOZ, ending every title tag with _-_MOZ is 6 characters, no biggie. But adding 16 characters is a lot of real estate.
Yep, I just exposed myself as being a bit versed in SEO. Been doing it for only my own website to a moidest degree since 2001.
Hi John.
This is actually possible in the software, although a bit tricky.
If you navigate to the following folder (it might be slightly different according to your installation):
C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 - Professional\Templates\_Custom
you should fine a base.html file, which you can edit.
There, you can find the default structure that the software uses when creating a custom template.
By deleting the comments in the title tag, you're able to exclude that part from the title that will appear online.
If the project you seek to edit is not a new one, you must also regenerate the preview by holding down left CTRL and launching a preview inside the software.
In order to delete the project name, it should be something like this :
Keep me posted
Okay, thanks. Might be something I will just choose to live with. It will be truncated in most SERP results, but sometimes Google and others will through elipses in there on the end (...) and that subtracts a few characters. Not an overly crippling thing. I may just have to think "shorter." Nonetheless, everything in the title tag is usually still logged by the spiders and can be helpful. You just get a slew of SEO guys soliciting you and telling you all your title tags are too long and they can fix the universe for you. Yada yada yada.