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Lan W.
Lan W.

Export to disk error.  en

Автор: Lan W.
Просмотрено 1238, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I have a project that works wirh no problems but it will not export to disk see attached screen shot.

Can anyone provide a full explination for the error "The given paths format is not supported"? What conditions would trigger this error? Understanding the error message and what triggers it may help me to track doen the source of the problem.

Note that the original template exports to disk correctly so it must be the projects added content that is causing the failure to export. The project uploads correctly & can be viewed here

This error was also discussed in this post but no solution was found. The problem remains the same regardless of the X5 Version. Currently using v16.1.1


1 Ответы
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan, sorry, I lost track of your earlier post.

To make it easier for Incomedia to assist, I have marked your earlier post for Incomedia's attention (another oversight by me, I thought I had done so already) and requested they downloaded the iwzip you provided to me which experiences the same issue.

I even created a new index file and deleted the old one - I could still not export to disk - very odd.

Please keep following because I know incomedia are far smarter than me (& they do not cope well with separate posts for the same issue).

I have closed this topic (no further comments) so you only have to follow one thread.

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