Footer at wrong place on page 
Автор: Kees W.
Просмотрено 2008,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
In my test website, created with WebSite x5 Pro version 16.1.1, the footer is not placed at the bottom of the page, but directly after the text on the page (see snap1.jpg).
In the preview the footer is at the bottom of the page (see snap2.jpg).
In the attachment is the iwzip of the test project (test_project.iwzip).
Hoi Kees,
De preview en de website doen bij mij hetzelfde.
Ik neem aan dat je op de website eerst ververst hebt met F5?
Je preview in x5 kun je een keer opstarten met ctrl key ingedrukt dit ververst de preview ook.
Ze zouden gelijk moeten zijn.
Bij Preview staat de footer op de goede plaats, namelijk onder aan de pagina.
In de website staat de footer in de pagina, direct onder de tekst.
Dit probleem is volgens mij ontstaan in verse 16. In de vorige versies had ik dit probleem niet.
Hello Kees W.
I have tested your project file. Your footer is placed at the bottom because you have set the page contect height 350 in the Template structure.
Open your software>Step 2-Template>Select Template Structure>Select Page Contents>Increase the minimum height to 500 or more>Save it.
Now your footer will come at the bottom. I have done it for you. Download the following file and import it on your software.
Have a nice day
Sorry due to some problem in my internet the file has not uploaded. you can follow the steps I have mentioned. Your footer will appear on the bottom surely
Hello Kees - follow the advice from ANI B. and set a minimum height for the pages.
The problem remains, even with a page height of 700.
This problem exists in version 16. In version 15 I have no problem.
Hello Kees,
Can you show me the snapshot after changing the minimum height of page content to 700?
Follow the steps I have mentioned below
Change the minimum height of only Page Content to 500 or more. You have to change it for each breakpoints. Then save it. If you don't save then it will be look like before. After saving it, select preview button. Then check is it ok or not. If problem still occuring please upload your project file in the comment section
Thank you
Have a nice day
I did everything you suggested, but the footer is still in the wrong place on the website. See screenshot.
See screenshot as attachment.
Kees, this is a known problem which I though was only visible in IE (you're not still using IE are you?)
If you are not using IE, I am sure Incomedia would like to know (& perhaps attach a the test project).
Hello Kees W.
Esahc.. has answered correct. I have checked your website from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The footer is coming after the text as you have mentioned only in Internet Explorer. In Chrome or Firefox, the footer is exactly in the bottom.
Check your website from Chrome and Firefox. I'm sure, you will find your solution.
Good day Kees,
I have the same issue with our demo DVD that we post to intersted people, unfortuneatly it is controlled to use IE, and some people inclusing myself do not use IE so it does not get updated on the machine. ( We all use Firefox)
But I found a work around for this footer position, just add blank spaces below the text or add text type row to the page. Yes it takes a while if there are lots of pages, but at least it works.
Hope this helps.
Hello everyone.
If the footer is appearing in the wrong position in IE, and on a page where the content of the page is not enough to push the footer down, then this is a known issue, which has already been reported and is being examined and analyzed as we speak.
This particular issue will be visible on IE only, when the page content is scarce.
I will be sure to notify you here as soon as news on this issue is available.
Thank you
@ Kees,
I think it helps other users and Incomedia if you give the internet version you are using, what version is it and is it the latest IE version?
It is Internet Explorer 11
version: 11.165.17134.0