"responsive" command 
Автор: POP M.
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The "responsive" command does not work. You have to wait 3-4 minutes to open up.
Then, the rearrangement of objects only works very hard.
I tried to work with site optimization, but that does not work either.
Please give me some advice.
Thank you.
Google has notified me about correcting this issue.
I can not use the responsive command.
Please answer as soon as possible.
Thank you
POP, is this a new website or an old site that has been upgraded from an earlier version that was not responsive.
If so, when first opened the process can be quite time consuming as WX5 effectively creates multiple versions of every page, this process is further impacted by the need to make changes to better suit the new version. Without access to your project (can you provide a link to the online version?) I can only assume that just as for my projects the responsiveness will return. I strongly recommend clicking save before any preview (and hold ctrl down when clicking preview), and given that this process puts such a load on your hardware, step 5 export to create an iwzip file (you can rename so you have many) is great insurance.
Hi Esahc..
I did not understand too well.
Do you want me to send you a version of my site?
Please tell me where to send the version to you only.
Thank you
Not yet mate.
Is the old site online?
Can you send a link?
I can see that the style and content of your website will initially result in WX5 having to do a great deal of work and there will be significant delays whilst it does so. I had similar conversations with the author of this website ealier in the year http://justcigars.ca and his site has turned out very nicely (although there were a number of crashes and corruptions in the early processes caused by trying to do too many changes too quickly)
Once the major structural changes are in place I am sure WX5 will be as fast your current v14 project.
Please limit the number of changes you make during an editing session, save and then do the preview, and be patient.
Every day at least create an iwzip (step5 export).
If you don't fully understand my explanation because English is not your native tongue, you could use Firefox and install the addon Google Translate, but your native language appears to be Italian (same as WX5), have you posted this question on the Italian forum of the helpcenter?
I asked for help in English.
What can I do in the current situation?
The responsive command does not respond at all.
Last time I sat for 10 minutes and did not answer.
I do not know how to proceed now.
Thank you very much for your patience.
With particular respect,
My native language is Romanian.
Unfortunately, WebSiteX5 does not have this language.
Your existing site is in v14, I would create an iwzip in v14 and then import to v16. Do not turn on responsive, just make changes as required.
When you are happy, turn it responsive and let us know how it goes.
I did what you said. Now I'm working in v16.
The responsive command can not be done on the home page. Only if you activate step 2 "resolutions and responsive design".
If you activate step 2, the objects are not placed properly on the page.
If I activate step 2, when I want to fix the placement of the objects on the home page, and give the command "responsive" the program shows that it works but does nothing.
POP, that is correct. Under step 2 you select either desktop or Responsive Design.
In v16 as a Desktop site, does the project work correctly? Hold down ctrl when you hit preview. Do menus need fixing, header and footer content is good, etc. If the site is how you want it, turn on Responsive in step 2.
Click save (and wait) now hold ctrl key down before pressing preview. It should take quite a while to generate all the new code before the site displays. If all seems well, resize the browser window or select one of the predetermined alternative sizes. It will take time (at least the first time).
If the website opens, then exit the preview and start making changes.
If objects are not in the right place at less than desktop, please send a screen shot to explain (& perhaps one of the page layout), I suspect the layout of your many objects is such that it will take a bit of planning to make cells with images and text appear in the right order at less than desktop resolution.
I did exactly as you said.
Everything was fine.
When I tried to change the home page in step 4, I gave the responsive command, the program blocked.
I'm sending you a print screen.
I have to fix the problem with the "responsive" command. Google will lower the site's rating if it does not solve this problem.
Thank you very much.
I've also tried after optimizing the site with WebSite Optimized.
The program hangs in step 4.
POP, now I understand!!!
This icon does not turn on responsive, whether the site is responsive or not is turned on in step2template. . .
The responsive icon at the top of the page layout is for controlling what happens when the page is displayed at various resolutions. It will not work with empty cells (this is also probably why optimiser fails).
You must place an object in every cell, you can use any object, but the text object would be fine. You do not have to add any content to the object!
Please try again after placing an object (text or whatever) in every cell or row of cells on every page.
You will be able to control the order the cells are displayed (which lets you decide which cell/s come above other cells in mobile view), whether multiple cells are visible across the screen at various resolutions (breaklines), and which cells will be hidden at lesser resolutions. It will not immediately display are you hoped and may take some practice to work around the problems of content in multiple cells of various dimensions.
Thank you very much for patience Esahc ..!
You're cool! :)
Many thanks, so pleased the problem was solved :-)