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John S.
John S.

Text accordion  en

Автор: John S.
Просмотрено 2979, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

It seems that sometimes INCOMEDIA listen to us users.

And even if they not tell about it, it is also possible to have clickable and hoverable  images in the accordions.

It is also possible to have an iframe - but this functions only in the Firefox browser.

I will give a "thumbs up" for the accordion and a big thumbs up, when it is made so, that the iframe can also be used in other browsers than the Firefox.

7 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Henk R.
Henk R.

I agree with you John , Thumbs up Incomedia.

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Размещено От Henk R.
Kees W.
Kees W.

How can I have clickable and hoverables images in the accordians?

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Размещено От Kees W.
A J.
A J.


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Размещено От A J.
Albert X
Albert X

How can I have clickable and hoverables images in the accordians?


You can add an image in the Accordion Text object with HTML code


<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src "images/your_picture.jpg" border = 0 width = 15 height = 30 alt = "Picture with link !" > </a>


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Размещено От Albert X
John S.
John S.

The code for the first box with image is :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In varius magna a ligula gravida porta. Morbi quis ornare lectus. Maecenas euismod maximus tincidunt. Aliquam id ornare sem.
<img src="URL_to_image" align="left" height=50" onmouseover="this.height=150;" onmouseout="this.height=50;">


Of course you have to change the "URL_to_image" to an URL for the image. Like :


I thought the code could be seen, but apparently not.

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Размещено От John S.
Elisa B.

Hi John, 

thank you for your message, it is really appreciated. If you want to get assistance for the iframe issue, please feel free to create a new post, so we can look better analyse the issue and help you find a solution. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.