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nader B.
nader B.

I acn't make choice option to my prouduct in market place section cause for example I want to ressell PC, how to give  en

Автор: nader B.
Просмотрено 1625, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I acn't make choice option to my prouduct in market place section

cause for example

I want to ressell PC, how to give the buyer the options to choose from as the processor speed or type are diffrent Intel or AMD as example...

I have a problem related to this!?

I don't have in my full version the (Sub option list) why?!


1 Ответы
John S.
John S.

Only available in the PRO

 Sub-options List: specify the sub-options that are available for the main option of the current product. You can create the list of sub-options using the Add..., Remove and Rename... buttons.Click to expand/collapseReference: Commands in the Digital product section

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