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Hans Schalk
Hans Schalk

Website Posted Under My Name!!  en

Автор: Hans Schalk
Просмотрено 1219, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 23  
Тэги: website

Who has posted my website? Today December 23, a lot of websites have been posted and it looks like I have posted mine (see post 19008). The truth is that I haven't done anything. So who did this and why???!!!!

Can Incomedia give me an answer?


3 Ответы
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . no links ? - so how shall we check it ?

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Размещено От Pcssa .
Vedat G.
Vedat G.


Link is here

Instead of support questions and answers I am also seeing websites posted when I select filter EN English language.


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Размещено От Vedat G.
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

@ Vedat : Yes, that's true. When  you use the Filter option, simply check the categories you want to be displayed. If you dont want the Gallery's post to be shown, dont click it.

          @ Hans Schalk: Did you submitted your website to be part of the Gallery some time ago ? Incomedia just implemented the Gallery feature, here, and more than 10000 websites are now available in the gallery section.


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