Privicy and Policy Statement not uploading to website. 
Автор: Bill G.
Просмотрено 1476,
Подписчики 1,
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I have ticked to show the Privicy ststement banner. It will not show when viewing the website. I have now uploaded it several times including the full upload and only changes. To get a statement on the site I have added and adverising Notice. The Policy Banner will not work with or without the advertsiing message being present. I have alco tries several differant computers and surch engins without any sucess.
Hello Bill,
The Banner is only shown once, see help file:
The banner is only displayed once, when visitors access the website for the first time, thanks to the use of a technical cookie. When visitors click the Accept button or on the X, they implicitly confirm they have read and agree to the policy/policies.
The website looks like this if you start up first time.
So that looks good to me.
If you want to visit site from scratch, remove the cooky that is placed on your pc. then refresh page.
Best Regards,
Hi Andre
Thanks for that info, its very useful to Know.
Best wishes