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Mike Castro Mr
Mike Castro Mr

Adding reviews to websiteX5  en

Автор: Mike Castro Mr
Просмотрено 2449, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

There is an app called Blipp Reviews ( They send a text/e-mail to your client allowing them to send a review to Yelp, Google, facebook which then appears on your reviews for the selected website. I have a page that allows my clients to leave me a review that then gets sent to me by e-mail. Which later I post on my webpage.

Is there anyway that I could make my page send reviews to any of the selected webpages?

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Stefano G.

Hi Mike.

Unfortunately, no. I don't believe there is any way you could integrate this automatically inside your website by using the software alone.

This is a very specific feature that would most probably need to be built from scratch specifically for your situation, and for this reason I would like to suggest to eventually contact a professional in order to get this implemented in the rest of the Websitex5 generated website.

Should you have any further question for me about this, please let me know here

Thank you


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