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Jakab Z.
Jakab Z.

Activation Error: 302  en

Автор: Jakab Z.
Просмотрено 1410, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  


I buy the Professional16 in 07 November 2018.

Install the sofware and I have much problem with, the preview of the sites doesnt work, and when it works in preview mode are all over the head.

I uninstall the software and now trying to reinstall, but I get " activation error: 302 - Attention: The licence key entered is associated with another email adress"

I used the email adress like before when i buyed the software.

Help me to fix this, another way I must too ask for refound. Anyway the Professional 16 is far away the most problematic and worst evolution that I have in almost 10 years!

Thank You!

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Jakab Z.
Jakab Z.


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