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Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

SnowFall object  en

Автор: Andrzej K.
Просмотрено 3483, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Nice object, now it os not necessary to use any scripts, but why only snowflake - add some others pictures like flowers on spring, eggs on Easter, leaves on autumn, etc.

Or maybe it would be possible to add my own picture eg. company logo, manufactured goods, sale, etc.

18 Ответы - 3 Полезно
A J.
A J.


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Размещено От A J.
Little-key .
Little-key .

Here you can add all the images of your choice. Unfortunately in German.



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Размещено От Little-key .
John S.
John S.

The images is located in the root.

names is : snowflake1.png - the number changes according to the look you choose.

You can easily replace the png with your own png.

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Размещено От John S.
John S.
John S.

Thumbs up for INCOMEDIA for this object.  Good feature that it can be set up time-dependant. 

I support the idea of having the possibility to "import" own icons in a kind of library. This way you could have different snowflakes, pumpkins for Halloween, Santa Claus for christmas, Easter bunny around Easter and maybe a logo or whatever.

Also a possibility to set a rotation angle that the icons could rotate between, so that it is not a "static" icon.

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Размещено От John S.
Christine O.
Christine O.


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Размещено От Christine O.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Andrzej K.
Nice object, now it os not necessary to use any scripts, but why only snowflake - add some others pictures like flowers on spring, eggs on Easter, leaves on autumn, etc. Or maybe it would be possible to add my own picture eg. company logo, manufactured goods, sale, etc.

(It > En) ... your idea is good for the future ...
... anyway, now, with EXTRA code any stable customization in the program is possible ...
... for example:  ...wink... ciao...


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Размещено От  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Tom G.
Tom G.


The other thread is all inItalian. Would it be posiible to reporetd issue and your response to be translated into English?

And, since your answers are so acurate and important, could all your Italian posts be automatically forced to be displayed in English? Or be switched to be shown in native language (whichever it is) and in Englich, too?

Just an idea...

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Размещено От Tom G.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Tom G.
KolAsim, ... ... ...  And, since your answers are so acurate and important, could all your Italian posts be automatically forced to be displayed in English? ... ... ... 

(IT > En) ... you are right, the English language is universal, but to me at school unfortunately have taught French, which I forgotembarassed, so I always use Google translatefoot-in-mouth, ... and I hope that the translation will turn out to be quite understandable; ... with the Google Chrome browser translates the post with a click in any language ...

the Andre alternative tutorial is great ......wink...  

...► ... instead my instructions refer to the personalization of the object in Marketplace "SnowFall", once it has been integrated into the Project ...
... the instructions are very simple ...
... you can use an image already placed on the network with a third-party FTP client, and with an "absolute" URL ... 
(1) ...
... or you can use an image attached to the Project 
(▪Files linked to HTML code),  with "relative" URL ... (2), ... leaving the "files" folder as the destination proposed by default;
... to extend the customized code to all pages of the Site, the code must be pasted in > 
Step 1 -Code section - ▪Custom Code - ▼Before closing the </HEAD> TAG ;
... to use the custom code only on a single page of the Site, the code must be pasted in > 
Step 3 - The Page Properties window -The Expert section  - Custom Code - ▼Before closing the </HEAD> TAG ;
code (1) ----- ("absolute" URL):
<!-- ====== SnowFall_K == sostituzione fiocco di neve by KolAsim ====== --> 
<script> $(document).ready(function () {$(".flake-container img").attr('src',''); });</script>
<!-- =======================K================== --> 
code (2) ----- ("relative" URL):
<!-- ====== SnowFall_K == sostituzione fiocco di neve by KolAsim ====== --> 
<script> $(document).ready(function () {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/stellaK.gif'); });</script>
<!-- =======================K================== --> 
... I currently do not have the Program nor the PC ...
example 1 ... (clone! Snowflake replaced with my star); ... (Ctrl+U - line 34) ...
example 2 ... (clone! with Snowflake replaced with my star and color turned); ... (Ctrl+U - line 34) ...
example 3 ... (clone! extra options); ... (Ctrl + U - line 34) ...
... I hope that what I said is understandable, and if other help or clarification were needed, please let me know ...

ciao wink


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Размещено От  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Tom G.
Tom G.

Yes, to me it is understandable 100%. Thanks!

I'm thinking: If you checked English in your profile, as below,


maybe your posts/responses/comments/instructions would appear with all other English posts?

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Размещено От Tom G.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
[quote = "Tom G."]

Sì, per me è comprensibile al 100%. Grazie!

Sto pensando: se hai controllato l'inglese nel tuo profilo, come di seguito,

  .... .... .... 

forse i tuoi post / risposte / commenti / istruzioni apparirebbero con tutti gli altri post in inglese?

... ... it would be nice laughing, ... but it can not work...  wink ... ciao...


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Размещено От  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Tom G.
Tom G.

Doesn’t look good...

But, just to try, temporarily mark English language in profile and let’s see if your entry in Italian language (posted in Italian part of help center) will also appear in English part. If it appears, we can use Google to translate.

Just another thought…

Can someone explain this on the post above?

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Размещено От Tom G.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... it will not be possible undecided, ... but only for today I will be English...laughing...
... reference to the STAMP, this is a typo, which canceled the closure of the QUOTE tag of the quoted text ...



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Размещено От  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
John S.
John S.

Handy piece of code KolAsim - Thanks. This solves the "problem" with the rotation, that can be done by using a gif.

Now we only have to have INCOMEDIA to expand the possibility with the activation period.

The standard shape could be for the "always".

Then you could specify 5 periods, and for each period you could specify a URL ( to an image file ). This way you could for a whole year specify the period(s) and image to use, in advance.

But if not INCOMEDIA, then maybe KolAsim has some code for this wink

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Размещено От John S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
John S.
... ... ...  then maybe KolAsim has some code for this 

//===========scadenza K === x /HEAD =================
giorno1 = 1; mese1 = 1; anno1 = 2019; // scadenzaK1
giorno2 = 20; mese2 = 3; anno2 = 2019; // scadenzaK2
giorno3 = 16; mese3 = 5; anno3 = 2019; // scadenzaK3
function controllodataK(){mese1 = mese1 - 1; mese2 = mese2 - 1; mese3 = mese3 - 1;
scadenzaK1=new Date(anno1, mese1 , giorno1).getTime();
scadenzaK2=new Date(anno2, mese2 , giorno2).getTime();
scadenzaK3=new Date(anno3, mese3 , giorno3).getTime();
oggiK = new Date().getTime();
if(oggiK >= scadenzaK1) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img1.png');}
if(oggiK >= scadenzaK2) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img2.png');}
if(oggiK >= scadenzaK3) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img3.pngf');}}
window.onload= function() { controllodataK() }</script>

.................................. wink ............................

... etc. etc. ... ... ... .. .. . . .

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Размещено От  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Tom G.
Tom G.

Great piece of code! Thanks, KolAsim!

 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
<!- variables translated into english -> <script>     //===========deadline K === x /HEAD =================     day1 = 1; month1 = 1; year1 = 2019; // deadlineK1     day2 = 20; month2 = 3; year2 = 2019; // deadlineK2     day3 = 16; month3 = 5; year3 = 2019; // deadlineK3     //========================     function controllodataK(){month1 = month1 - 1; month2 = month2 - 1; month3 = month3 - 1;     deadlineK1 = new Date(year1, month1 , day1).getTime();     deadlineK2 = new Date(year2, month2 , day2).getTime();     deadlineK3 = new Date(year3, month3 , day3).getTime();     todayK = new Date().getTime();     if(todayK >= deadlineK1) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img1.png');}     if(todayK >= deadlineK2) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img2.png');}     if(todayK >= deadlineK3) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img3.png');}}     window.onload= function() { controllodataK() } </script>
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Размещено От Tom G.
Tom G.
Tom G.

The code above looks ugly...

<!- variables translated into english ->
    //===========deadline K === x /HEAD =================
    day1 = 1; month1 = 1; year1 = 2019; // deadlineK1
    day2 = 20; month2 = 3; year2 = 2019; // deadlineK2
    day3 = 16; month3 = 5; year3 = 2019; // deadlineK3
    function controllodataK(){month1 = month1 - 1; month2 = month2 - 1; month3 = month3 - 1;
    deadlineK1 = new Date(year1, month1 , day1).getTime();
    deadlineK2 = new Date(year2, month2 , day2).getTime();
    deadlineK3 = new Date(year3, month3 , day3).getTime();
    todayK = new Date().getTime();
    if(todayK >= deadlineK1) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img1.png');}
    if(todayK >= deadlineK2) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img2.png');}
    if(todayK >= deadlineK3) {$(".flake-container img").attr('src','files/img3.png');}}
    window.onload= function() { controllodataK() }

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Размещено От Tom G.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Tom G.
The code above looks ugly... <!- variables translated into english -> ... ... ... 

... laughing ...  ... wink...








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Размещено От  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪