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Johan du Raam
Johan du Raam

Website x5 15 not opening up anymore  en

Автор: Johan du Raam
Просмотрено 674, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Good day,
Trust all is well.
I have been using Website x5 Start15 for quite some time. But today the software decided not to open up. It does not give me any error message and it is nowhere to be found in Windows Task Manager, even when trying to run as administrator.
I have been working on my website for about 8 months in my spare time, and im afraid i might have lost all my work. The website was so close to completion, you may compare it to the width of a pubic hair, that's how close i was.
Please advise on steps to follow, or please send me the link where i can download the installer to try reinstalling.
Looking forward to your response.

2 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

you can download here in the helpdesk the latest version and install that one.

Top right next to your name pulldown -> download

You project file should be save, but make backup's from time to time.

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Размещено От Andre E
Elisa B.

Hi Johan, 

please follow Andre's advice, then disable your firewall and antivirus before starting the program, too. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.