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German L.
German L.

Suggestions / Concerns for Audio / Video shops  en

Автор: German L.
Просмотрено 1408, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  


I am a music producer and have been really trying to get Website X5 to work well for me.  However, one of the major obstacles that I am running into, is the setup for allowing those of us who make and sell music or audio, whether albums, instrumentals, or other items related to audio.

As it seems, I had ordered the Audio Player plugin for Website X5.  However, it seems to not work at all in my favor, and so I wanted to address concerns as well as possible suggestions not just for the plugin, but Website X5 in general when it comes to audio and shop setup.

It seems that the Audio Player plugin is only adjustable in width, and that doesn't transfer well when I am using it for one track per player.  The height that remains causes problems with the site and is not working well.  I therefore wanted to suggest the ability to adjust the height and length of the player.

I also wanted to further suggest that whoever created the Audio Player plugin, possibly create a few more template options for it, one of which may simply be a circular play button that allows a track to play and stop or pause when pressed.


An even bigger suggestion that I have for Website X5 as a whole however, is within the Shopping Cart functions, particularly with the "Product Settings" when creating a new product for the shop.

I suggest that there be an additional tab that allows us to plug in either an Audio or Video file that will display on the shop when added.  Currently, there are tabs for the following:

  • General
  • Image
  • Options
  • Digital Product
  • Discount
  • Availability

I suggest there should be a tab for "Audio / Video" that allows an HTML5 player to automatically open up when we select to add an audio file or video file to this tab.  This would also then allow the file to be added onto the store.  Currently, I can only seem to get a player to open up by adding HTML coding to the Description box in the "General" tab.  However, this doesn't always work and at times, with different mobile or tablet devices, causes the player to show but the time to show as 0:00 and to not play.  By adding an actual embedded HTML5 audio player into a tab, this would guarantee that everyone would be able to see the audio player appear.  Within this suggested "Audio / Video" tab, we would then have the ability to choose between a few template designs, one being a circular player button, another being a length player that shows simple controls such as the track time and end, volume, and optional download button or not, similar to the way the player looks Here.

While the Audio Player plugin seems okay, it is not included in part of the shopping cart products, and therefore it becomes very frustrating when trying to create a page with an audio player next to another cell with the shopping cart, especially on other viewports where they no longer appear together.  By including this in the Shopping Cart "Product Settings" however, it would guarantee that everything is together.

I find that with the Audio Player separate plugin, you also have to set up the item at this time to more than one cell because it will otherwise cause problems with certain viewports again due to the lack of ability to control the dimensions on height and weight.  Also, the giant round buttons on the "Cover" template sometimes causes a jumble of buttons depending on the viewport, rendering this plugin to be not so great to use.

Finally, I also wanted to suggest a brief section in "General" where you allow us to type in keywords such as hashtags or tags in general, where a person may be able to find our products when doing a search by keywords that will allow the tags to pull up those items.  Lots of shop websites have tags, so it would be nice to see this also added to X5.

I am trying my best to get X5 to work, and while it is a great program overall, there are definitely some items that need to be considered and reworked.  I am still also trying to figure out the best way to handle having to create 900+ product pages for each of my products, as I did not have this problem with my last website editor.  It instead, used MySQL and had a "product" page, where strings would automatically appear on that page depending on the product you clicked on.  Things like %Title% and %Price% and %description% were filled in via MySQL and would relate to each product in the database when accessing the page.  At this point, it seems like I may have to create 900+ product pages as I do not see any other way around doing this with X5.  (I have attached a screenshot of the editor I was using which will allow you to see how the %% strings were set up... not sure if something like this may be considered in the future for X5.

Thank you in advance for considering the suggestions.  If you are an X5 user as well and have either dealt with the same obstacles, or have found workarounds as well, by all means, comment below.  At this time, I seem to only be able to use the HTML coding in Description to make a player appear WITH the products I am trying to sell, though still tinkering with the options hoping to find something better to work for me.  Thanks in advance.

4 Ответы
German L.
German L.

Thanks Wsx5 for the info, but unfortunately that won't help me with the issues that I am having.  I am in need of having an mp3 player added for each shopping cart product I sell, which is not something that X5 seems to do as of yet.  I can add a player to my website from the Plugin that I purchased.  But when it comes to having each product display a player, that's where X5 doesn't work and workarounds have to be figured out.

I have been playing around it to the best of my ability but there are still formatting issues in terms of how a website page displays, and then the HTML5 players that do display seem to show at 0:00 / 0:00 when I use coding only within the "Description" box of the "Product Settings" "General" tab, which at this time seems to be the only way to get it to work properly.  Even with that, the products are oddly formatted and not very clean looking.

Still hoping in the future for a better layout and fix from X5 developers.  Until then, I'll have to keep playing around with things to the best of my ability to get something decent to work for me.  Thanks anyhow!

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Размещено От German L.
Stefano G.

Hi German

Thank you for your suggestions. I would simply like to confirm that it has been received correctly as an Idea so that the Staff will be able to better keep track of this in the future

Thanks again for the interest shown in the software


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Размещено От Stefano G.
German L.
German L.

Thank you Stefano for the message, hoping that the team will consider it in the near future.  So much potential with X5 in terms of making sites, but some features or lack thereof, need to be considered... hoping my suggestion will be one of those considered and implemented.  Thank you again for the reply!

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Размещено От German L.