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Ricardo V.
Ricardo V.

How to change the text on the ordering page in e-commerce  en

Автор: Ricardo V.
Просмотрено 1056, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


Our site has a webshop. It works, but we changed our e-mailaddress where the orders are being sent to. And from which the order confirmations are sent to the buyers. But these confirmation mails sent from the new e-mailaddress mostly ends in the spam box from the buyers, so the buyers do not know that a confirmation mail is being sent.

We do not know how to solve this problem. We already contacted the provider, but there is nothing they can do.

To inform the buyers to check their spam folder we want to add some text on the page which is displayed when the buyer has finished the payment and order. The page where the ordernumber is displayed. But where in Incomedia Website is this page? I can't find it? The attachment is the site where I want to change the text.

The best should be to prevent the confirmation mails from ending in the spam box...

1 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ricardo, go to settings, content language to make the changes.

You could try changing the wording in the subject line, and perhaps add extra text to the email content. Frequently an email is marked as spam based on standard words and phrases used in standard spam emails.

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