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Osman Y.
Osman Y.

Yanlışlıkla silinen proje nasıl kurtarılır  en

Автор: Osman Y.
Просмотрено 1306, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

websiteX5 Profesyonal 17.1.2 sürümündeki projemi yanlışlıkla sildim projeyi nasıl kurtarırım

veya ftp den projeye aktarma şansım varmı 

Önerileriniz için Teşekkürler

1 Ответы
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Osman, please explain the problem in full. Did you delete the project through WX5 or through Windows explorer. If deleted through Windows Explorer have you checked the recycle bin?

If the project folder still exists it is possible there may be a backup and of course if you ever visited step 5, export project you will have an iwzip file to restore from. Unfortunately the project can not be directly rebuilt from the published website (although you can start a new project and copy/paste content from the online site).

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