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Christer H.
Christer H.

Jsser Slider, how pictures are exposed on the screen and the possibility to add audio files  en

Автор: Christer H.
Просмотрено 2455, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


A couple of years ago I made a website in WebSite 5 Evolution 13, and after a hard disc crash last month I had to recreate some vital parts of that site on a new computer. The old version of the site ( is still on the web (my web host is unfortunately I can no longer manage it, update it with new contents etc.I have almost finished that re-work now, but in “the final stage” I have encountered a couple of problems with a slideshow on my site.

If I remember it correctly, the slideshow which used to be available in the “objects management” was called Classic slideshow. I had no problem using that, and I could also easily add audio files to the pictures in the slideshows. The pictures were exposed as I wanted them be on the screen, and the accompanying music could be heard when using most brosers (except Safari, though). You can see and hear it work here:

Now it seems like the slideshow available in the programme’sObjects management” is one called Jsser slider, and my two questions here are linked to that:

1) I have now download the the pictures I want to use in my slideshow, and when I ”preview” the result, I see that there is a huge area of empty space above and below the pictures on the screen. And I cannot find a way to change this. What should I do? (How can I get rid of that emty space?)

2) How can I add an audio file to the slideshow?

(I can see that there are seven other slideshow opitions there in the programme’s ”Object management”, but all of them seem to be about different ways to shift the images.)

If you can give me some advice how to solve these problems I would be very grateful to you.


Christer H.

7 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello.It would be nice to see your site with the problem described.

1) Maybe you need to change the size of the pictures. Or set the internal indents for the slider.Or place the slider in several cells of the grid.Or change the size of the grid cell where the slider is located.

2) There is no such possibility in Jsser Slider. As far as I know, among the slider objects there are no ones that allow you to add music. You can add music using the Audio object, but this is not what you want. You can also search for programs and services that allow you to create a HTML slide show with music. And then you can add such a slide show to the site.

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Christer H.
Christer H.

Thank you very much!

Your answer got me on the right track. In order not to get a large empty space above the pictures, I had to make sure that the relation height-width was the same in all the pictures. Otherwise those with landscape format ended up in the same position as those with portrait format, and the former received a distracting empty space above them. So I had to resize the pictures in portrait format so that their height became the same as the height of those in landscape format and let the empty spaces end up on the sides of these pictures instead.

As far as audio illustrations are concerned, I have to accept that it is no longer possible to achieve that in Jsser slider. But three years ago, when I created this website for the first time (also using WebSite5 Evolution 13) I was able to connect MP3 files (or possibly MP4, I don't remember) with music or speech to the ”Classic slideshow” which was the in that WS5E13-progamme then. As the old version of my website is still on the internet you can see and hear it here if you use a browser like Google Chrome (for instance).

Once again, thank you!


Christer H.

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Christer, if you could do it then you can do it now. Nothing has changed in v13 (yes if you moved to v17 you would see some changes, but not if you are still using v13). The object you are referring to is Gallery, and the default functionality is Classic Slideshow

There are a number of ways you may have embedded the music including the video/audo object, but I am not clever enough to know :-(

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Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

"Thank you very much!" - It's my pleasure.

Basically, you can use some kind of third-party slideshow generator with music support.And then paste it on the page of your site. I showed an example in my video tutorial.

By the way, here's a program for creating slides from my example.It seems you can add music there.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Christer H.
Christer H.

Thanks again!

This Help centre is so much better than my own memory - I realize that now. What would I do without it? Now I believe I can make my website work again. 


Christer H.

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Размещено От Christer H.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

It's my pleasure.

Good luck to you.wink

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Christer H.
... ... ... 2) How can I add an audio file to the slideshow? ... ... ... 

(It > En) ... be careful, even if it is possible, it is inconvenient to use the audio embedded in the slideshow; ... better to use a separate background audio with the possibility to stop ...
... attention, the audio (and video) autoplay is inhibited on chrome.66 and on "mobile" devices ...



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