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Robert A.
Robert A.

Go To Cart Stoped Working  en

Автор: Robert A.
Просмотрено 1385, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 15  
Тэги: cart,order

Hello my problem is that go to cart not work anymore. When you fill in the m2 and on the button order then the next field is empty. See : and try order something. There is no form to see what you ordered etc. Please help. Robert Alt

5 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . which *package* did you order at Cyso ? - PHP 5 included and running ?

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Размещено От Pcssa .
Robert A.
Robert A.

I don`t know what you mean.

yesterday and the days before everything work out fine.

on internet and in the program the cart  don`t work

1 month ago i did an update v8 to v9 evertything was ok.

All my other websites are still ok.

I think i didn`t enything wrong but maybe i did i don`t know

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Размещено От Robert A.
Mirko Nosenzo

Hi Robert,

it works fine for me, what browser are you using?

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Размещено От Mirko Nosenzo
Irina Dalakishvili
Irina Dalakishvili

Hello! I have the same problem. (Cart displayed as empty template, after i have clicked to button "buy") In the begining all worked properly, but after some time this problem appeared. It has have not at all  my computers, only one of four has it. And I use IE9 on all.

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Размещено От Irina Dalakishvili
Claudio N.

Hello Irina,

Can you link me your cart? Did you make some changes to your site? Did you add some custom JavaScript in your site?

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.