Enhancement idea 
Автор: JULLIEN MarcBonjour,
This is a kind request to better manage both opened versions when interacting with site 1 and site 2 when they are both opend at the same time. it is a request related to better and rapidly know on which site we are working.
In my case I have now 2 interacting sites: expatelecom.net t(the main one) and boutsushi.com (the satelite one (which is triggered by expatelecom.net). This was made in order to minimize the size on my main sites which was over 6 Gb and to reduce saving time and display time.
Doing so, I use to open 2 sessions of WebSiteX5 at the same time to better manage my DEV. (one with expatelecom.net and one with boutsushi.com)
My request is the following :
Could you please add the name of the site beside to the title of the pages : Models, Plan, Page and Export.
For instance :
Parameter of the model of expatelecom.net
Plan creation of expatelecom.net
Page creation of expatelecom.net
Export of the site expatelecom.net
Currently i need to open the page "page creation" and to check for the structure to be sure on what site I am working. With the requested update it will be easier to control on which site I am curently working avoiding to export site 1 when it is site 2 which needs to be exported
tks & regards - marc JULLIEN
We support the idea, so far we solve this by the position on the desktop (or + desktop) to know at least temporarily, what is where. From 3 projects at the same time, but this will no longer be a solution.
Hi Marc,
thank you for this idea.
Please consider that the project name is also reported on the program window, near the program version:
I will report your idea anyway. Thanks!
Kind regards.
Sorry, did not check, was formerly without.