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Christopher F.
Christopher F.

Issue - Database Viewer Pluging stopped working  en

Автор: Christopher F.
Просмотрено 2123, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi Team,

I created a webpage on April 2019 with the Database Viewer Pluging and worked fine displaying the content of the table that i configured, however now (May 25th) that Im testing again the Database Viewer Pluging it does not display any information.

I verified on Websitex5 online admin panel in the "Website Test" section and the "MYSQL Configuration" has the "PASS" status with green color, also it "Dashboard" section shows the statics from the last 7 days visitors.

I installed all updates for Websitex5 plugings when it alerts me and no changes to the database were done.

Can anyone help me?

Details:Websitex5 Pro v2019.1.7, mySQL database, a2Hosting.

Thank you!

8 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Stefano G.

Hi Christopher

Sometimes a change in one of the hosting's configuration could prove to be the reason for this, but it is really hard to tell without having the possibility of checking the website or the project directly.

First of all, could you provide the URL to your online website here to me? Link the page where the table is supposed to be.

I'll verify the situation there first and let you know something here

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Stefano G.

Hello Christopher.

I've analyzed the issue and I believe this has something to do with the type of code which is being written by the plugin.

I've forwarded the matter to the developers so that further light can be shed on this. In the meantime, I believe the error could also be fixable by your hosting. I will report the given error here to you so that you can send this to them.

"Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled."

They should be able to take care of it

Keep me posted on this

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Christopher F.
Christopher F.

Hi Stefano,

I raised a support ticket to my hosting service provider in order that they can find a workaround, I will keep you informed.

Also please let me know more details from developers about this case when you hear it.

Thank you!

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Размещено От Christopher F.
Christopher F.
Christopher F.

Hi Stefano,

Unfortunately the answer that I received from service hosting support was that they cant handle that PHP error.

It will be helpful that websitex5 developer's could improve "Database viewer" object to ensure the success execution of the code.

Can you please tell me when is scheduled an update delivery to avoid this error?

Thank you!

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Размещено От Christopher F.
Stefano G.

Hi Christopher 

a new update in the pluginApp v18 has been released and it should fix this issue.

Did you already update the Object? and performed a new export of course.

Please try this out and let me know if it works then

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Christopher F.
Christopher F.

Hello Stefano,

It's working again!
I am currently using object v18 "Database Viewer" and WebsiteX5 Pro v2019.2.5 (64 bits).
I really appreciate your help.

I have my thanks to all of you.

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Размещено От Christopher F.