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Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Cambiar El Fondo Osucro En El Blog  es

Автор: Marta Q.
Просмотрено 2535, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 17  
Тэги: blog,fondo,oscuro

Con el Template de fondo oscuro no se lee bien el texto en el blog, y no puedo cambiar el fondo de los artículos.

Elegí uno de los Templates que ofrece X5 para la web, pero en el blog que hay textos largos cansa la vista leerlos con el fondo negro y el texto claro. He mirado la posibilidad de cambiar el diseño del blog pero no se puede y tampoco puedo enmarcar la entrada del blog y que aparezca con el fondo claro, como si puedo hacer en otras partes de la web.

21 Ответы
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Quería decir OSCURO. Pero no se puede editar

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

¿Alguna sugerencia? ¿Nadie disponible? Better in english?

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.


where do you want change the color in your blog? Can you send us a screenshot with modify of the blog.

Google Translate:


¿a dónde quierescambiar el color detu blog?Puedeenviarnosuna captura de pantallaconmodificarelblog.

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

What I would like is to change the background where the main text appears,just as we can do in any other part of the web. No need a screenshot, just click:

People argues that it is "eye stressing" reading cream over black. I have also tried with text in a light grey but it is not enouhg to avoid inconvenience.

In other parts of the web yo can define a square and change the backgroung, just like here:

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Me he descargado la nueva revisión y tampoco me da opción de poner fondo en el blog Frown

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

You should change the background of template because in the Evolution 9 you use the template of the models.

Google Translate:


Usted debecambiar el fondode laplantilla porqueen elEvolution 9utiliza la plantillade los modelos.

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Then, if I have designe the blog with a dark template there is no way to change it in the blog. That is what you are saying.

For future revisions of Evolution9 you may consider the possibility to select the text background in the blog, so we can mantain the image selected for the web and people may read long texts with confort all at a time. We can do it in every page but not in the blog and I do not understand the reason.

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

for each article inserting in the blog you can setting the background color of the article. If you want modify other color can you indicate us the URL of your website? Can you make a screenshot with the modify?

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

How can I set the background color of the article in the blog? That is really my question since the beggining. Did you read my previous entries? I already indicated the url of the website and blog.

Here they are, AGAIN. My blog URL with dark background

and an example of what I have done with one of the pages and would like to do in the blog if possible:

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

at the step 4 in the blog you should add the article and in the content of your article you can set "background colorof the text" as you prefer for each article.

Google Translate:


en elpaso 4en el blogse debe añadirel artículo yen elcontenido de su artículose puede configurar "el colorde fondo del texto", como ustedprefiera para cadaartículo.

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Marta Q.
Marta Q.

That's not so. At least in my version. I can TELL which is the color of the backgroud in the template to be able to sea what I am writing. With a dark background you are forced to write in light colours . White over white is not readable. But we cannot change background colour, unless you are talking about any new feature that I still do not know.

Have you seen the links I have put up here? Take the time. I just need to Know how to repeat this look (original dark template+clear background for text+dark text) in the blog:

Thank you

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

the wepage has a background color gray and you for each article of blog you should setting the background color gray with icon color background. We have attach our example. Have you try so?

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Yes I did, dis you? It does not change the background of the content but it remarks the background of every individual line in the colour choosen, just like if I make a block to select some text.

I changed the first line of my blog and capture a preview so you understand what I mean. It looks really ugly Frown

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

it is strangethat thebackground coloryousee so it. We will should see your project for understand better. At the step 1 you can also  go in the "Settings general", tab Expert and insert in the "Custom code for section HEAD" you insert this html code:


#imBlogContent {

background-color: #E0E0E0;



and so you have setting the background gray.

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I will try it thank you, and come back to tell you the result

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I did as you told me and a problem is solved and a new one comes up.

The grey background not only afffects the blog entries but also the comments form and the brief descrption of previous entries. The programme does not allow the user to change or choose the font colour or size in this two parts of the blog and it takes the standard colour of the web text, in mine a light blue. Then we have a light gray background and a light blue text in it nearly invisible.

Take a look to the image attached. please

Could the script you gave me include a text-colour: dark-grey (nearly black) and woukd it include the brief description and comments form?

Thank you.

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I have been workin the weekend and I found a solution. Whit the script you gave me a setting the dark gray as default text colour every thing is fine. I only had to set manually the colour of the text in the remaining pages that keep the dark background.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Only one thing else. Is it possible to set an inner margin? The text looks too close to the border in the blog. Take a look:

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.


Can you tell mewhat you want toedit? The background color of title blog or data your post? the margin internal and external of the article is not possible changed automatically.

Google Translate:


¿Puedes decirmelo que quiereseditar?El color de fondodel blog detítulo o delos datos de sumensaje?el margeninterno y externode este artículono es posiblecambiarde forma automática.

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

As I told you before, I already edit the texts. The pages with little text I left the black background and selected mannually the light blue text, and the pages with a lot to read I changed the designe with a light grey background and dark grey text that I have setted a default for the whole place.

Now the blog has also this look, light background and dark text. I only needed to set an inner margin, but you say it is not possible, It is a pitty that blog is not flexible like the other pages and I do not understand the reason.

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Размещено От Marta Q.
Luca S.
Luca S.

Hello Marta,

the margin internal of the blog of WebSite X5 is not customizable from settings blog and the modify can be execute only creating a script that modify the style of html project.

Google Translate:


el margen internodel blogde ​​WebSiteX5 nose puede personalizarla configuracióndel blogy lamodificaciónpuede sersólo la creación deejecutarun script quemodificar el estilodel proyecto dehtml.

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Размещено От Luca S.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I understood. But it is a pity and I do not find the reason.

I manage to put a margin using the indenting command, but the programme got an error and close itself. I repeated the procedure and it works but it is quite laborius.

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Размещено От Marta Q.