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Christo K.
Christo K.

Replacing graphics in the "Coffee" template.  en

Автор: Christo K.
Просмотрено 621, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi guys & ladies

I would like to replace the graphics in the "Coffee" template. and most of them is obvious, no problem replacing text and smaller graphics.  The background images behind the text is not easy to find and replace as the image does not show up in "Template structure" view or on Step 4 "Page creation" view. The first picture in question is a guy making coffee at a coffee machine.

I am thinking that they are there but doesnt show in edit view or how am I understanding this ?

Any assistance appreciated :)



3 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

Step 4, row format - up, first cell and background on the right.

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Размещено От Andrzej K.
Christo K.
Christo K.

May I please ask another question on same Template: Coffee.  How do I determine the resolution of the pictures used in the template in order for me to format my pics the same ...

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Размещено От Christo K.
Elisa B.

Hi Christo, 

I suggest you to right-click on the image and click on Save as... in order to store the image on your PC and have access to its details. 

Please let me know if I can help you further. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.