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Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

2Checkout integration POSSIBLE?  en

Автор: Sinisa B.
Просмотрено 2296, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Since no other payment method supported by the Website X5 doesn't work in my country or with my local currency - I had to look for an alternative solution.

I found out that 2checkout supports many of the local currencies and their fee structure is highly affordable.

My question is:
How difficult would be to integrate 2checkout payment with the X5 shopping cart?

By reading their integration manual it doesn't look difficult at all.

Here is the link to the manual:


I'll highly appreciated your comments / help on this - thank you!

BTW - I know it's a holiday season - but I got no reply nor reassurance comment that Incomedia will add a new payment gateway which could handle cases like mine. (I believe I'm not the only one here). 

9 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

Even incomedia uses 2checkout in its shop - what is the conclusion? They don't use their programm in their shop...

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Размещено От Andrzej K.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Andrzej

Well, we should be able to get any help from Incomedia then - they would not have to start from scratch!

@ Incomedia  - I know that you do not want to have anything with the 3rd party software- but since you use 2checkout in your shop - you should give us a tip or two on how to integrate this payment into your shopping cart...

Needless to say - you can use this post for the similar cases in the future (if you decide NOT to add the additional payment gateway).

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Размещено От Sinisa B.
Stefano G.

Hi Sinisa

Unfortunate, as you yourself mentioned before, the Staff cannot provide support for 3rd party code. This includes any service Incomedia makes use of itself. Each service can integrate onto your website in many different ways, and this does not mean that every integration will be the same. For this reason, I would still suggest seeking the help of either expert members of the community to help you out with this, of a professional that can help you with the integration of said code inside your WebSite X5 project.

At the moment, there is still no news about the possibility of the integration of a new payment system in the software, but the necessity of increasing the poll of supported currencies has been correctly notified to the development team as to be able to correctly evaluate each possibility

Thank you for your understanding


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Stefano

Thank you for the reply!

To save time of your colleagues - I have found that 2checkout will fit 99% of your European (non EU as well) and other clients. 2checkout supports a large number of local currencies and their fees are fair.

As I wrote in my other post - MultiSafepay is fine if you're from ITA, GER, AUS... - BUT credit card payments handling are not supported for the companies who are situated (basically) in the Eastern Europe. They're asking for some special financial insurances - which we can not put our clients to...

The one problem that its bugging me still:
automatically processing of the digital goods upon payment.

I do not know if 2checkout supports that - I believe it could, but I do not know for sure.

Stefano, there is an also "a quick" (patch) solution for that - which your IT guys could handle in a day.

That thing is:
Add the possibility to the PayPal payments - that the X5 could convert the amounts in the shopping cart (or just a TOTAL amount) on the fly to the international currency (USD, EUR...). The conversion of the currency could be manual (user input) or X5 could link to some online currency converter...

That way there could be a web shop in any local currency and - at the same time - we could use all the benefits of the PayPal's payment module. 

Stefano - please consider the info above with your colleagues.

Not having the credit card payments and digital goods processing - for us basically means that we do not have an e-commerce solution.  And, your e-commerce solution - was the main reason why we choose X5...


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Размещено От Sinisa B.
Stefano G.

Hi Sinisa

The possibility of having the conversion done "on the fly" is certainly feasible if you need to quickly resolve your current issue. Of course this would again imply 3rd party code and for this reason, the support would not be able to grant support for it, but I don't believe it would be a good solution for such an issue should it become more spread.

Your user would navigate a website where the HRK is mentioned as a currency and as soon as they're brought to PayPal they would see the same amount to pay converted in, let's say, EURO.

This would probably not be okay since the user expects a different currency to be displayed and not EURO.

If this was a good solution for you, then you could simply set EURO already in your website and perhaps specify the conversion value somewhere else in the shop.

I have reported all the information about the necessity of an additional payment system for the moment, so if any news will be available about it, it will surely be made public to the entire community

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.

Hello Stefano,

I am thinking that not possible to have a shop in Euros regarding their local laws. The shop MUST be in local currency...

So it's why Sinisa ask to you change the amount into Euros during the payment... And the shop would stay in local currency. 

@ Sinisa: Is it the issue If I understood well.


Should be interesting have an checkbox option into the cart configuration like:

 [x] Do you want convert the total amount in other currency ?
if yes, we choose other currency into a list and automatically WSX5 change the currency and value of the total amount during the payment (obviously the user has a information message regarding this changing)

I am thinking that is not to complicate to add it... and extremely simple.... the core of the product is not affected by the dev team...yell

here coding example.

Option box to display - 1 line into the code to add an option box

if (option_box_change_currency) == 1 {
   display_other_currencies_into_a_list = 1;

if ( display_other_currencies_into_a_list ==1) {
selected_currency = display_other_currencies_into_a_list.list[index];
selected_currency_ratio = manual_user_value (or better live internet value);

And during the payment

if selected_currency !=0 {
   total_amount = total_amount * selected_currency_ratio;

Go to paypal page in selcted_currency !!!    

2 or 3 controls and hop into the next version.

Give me the source code and I will do...tongue-out

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Размещено От Axel  
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Stefano

Firstly -thank you for considering to add another payment solution. To my knowledge 2checkout is the best one for the majority of the European (and other) clients.

Since Incomendia has already set the credit card processing with 2checkout - your IT staff should already be familiar with the coding...

Axel is right -I want the HRK to be converted "on the fly" in EUR. The buyer will be notified that the above will happen when paying with PayPal.

I have to double-check with our accountant service - but I think it is a legally viable as an "ad-hoc" solution. (I'll report my findings here)

Of course, having 2checkouit service integrated into X5 will be a proper and long-term solution for all your current and future software users.

Hopefully Incomedia will do something in that sense pretty soon...

@ Axel

You understood well.

I have to check with our accountant service first - but this is the solution that some Croatian web-shops use in the case of PayPal payments with the local currency (so it should be legal).

Axel - the procedure you wrote is exactly what I had in mind.

I would add a pop-up "message box" when selecting the PayPal payment option - which would say:" If your web-shop, currency is not supported - it will be converted into the selected currency of your PayPal account". And this could also be stated in the PayPal payment description.

Axel - thank you again for your help!

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Размещено От Sinisa B.


here from this website, a very nice idea which is exactly the Sinisa's needs.

You choose the currency just before to pay.

So nothing it's impossible !!! The proof is there...

Just to want to do it ...tongue-out


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Размещено От Axel  
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Axel

That's right -thank you!

@ Stefano

If Incomedia will do such update - you would solve many problems of your current (and future) software users who are using local currencies not supported by PayPal.

C'mon Incomedia - it's a few hours work (including the testing).

Stefano, please consider it! 

Thank you!

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Размещено От Sinisa B.