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Changing message into language option... What happens after update ? Changing lost ???  en

Автор: Axel  
Просмотрено 1441, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hey all, Incomedia,

Nice to have an option to change messages into UI via an option.

But what happens on my changed messages after a software update ?

All changing are lost ?


3 Ответы
Stefano G.

Hello Axel

Are you talking about the localizations available here? The localizations are bound to the installation folder.

This means that if you upgrade your software through the automatic updates, the language will always be brought along with the update. If you install a version of the software which has its standalone installation folder, you will need to export them and insert them into the other version

I hope I was helpful


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Размещено От Stefano G.

Hey Srefano,

Yes I now that it's possible to import a file from a previous installation (with flag icons on your picture)

But If I install a new version, may be it could be have new infos / messages into the new language file. So if I import my previous file what's happens ?

- Does my previous file re-write completly the new ?

- Does my previous file re-write the new with my personal modifications and keep the new infos to generate the new file with your new messages and mine previously modified !

Thanks for clarification



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Размещено От Axel  
Stefano G.

Hello Axel

Let's say that for example that you modify a language in v2019.2

If you then update the v2019.2 to v2019.3 with the automatic update, meaning that the new installation will overwrite the old folder, your language file will be kept.

All the translations you changed before will still be there in v2019.3

If you install the v2019.3 though and then install the v2019.2 as a standalone version which has its own installation folder then the v2019.2 will use its own language file.

In case of continuous update of your software, you should always find your translations to still be there alright

I hope I was helpful


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Размещено От Stefano G.