Structured data markup 
Автор: Terry R.
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Google says there is no Structured data markup on my website. How do i go about this. Also there is a problem with the speed. I am not appearing on mobile search engines. Pic attached.
Thanks in advance.
"Google says there is no Structured data markup on my website. How do i go about this." - at the moment you can try to add them manually.But it takes a long time and requires some knowledge.
"Also there is a problem with the speed." - Compress all images.For example, like this:
If this is not enough, then read this article.
at the moment you can try to add them manually. But it takes a long time and requires some knowledge.
Will this be something that can be integrated into the software? Also the image optimization slider is slid all the way up and the minfy is ticked. The images are all jpg and have all been optimised. Thanks. but there is still a problem with speed. I don't really know why because he website is really fast.
"Will this be something that can be integrated into the software?" - I do not know when it will be added to the software.And whether it will be added at all.
"problem with speed" - try some of this.