V2020.1.8: picture on the order confirmation 
Автор: Axel
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Hello Stefano,
Few weeks ago we have discuted on this behaviour
Again with the v2020.1.8 I have this picture is displayed on the left top of message
With integrated Paypal
And the payment button is not at the bottom
And with custom payment
I have reconstrcuted all project with CTRL + Preview !
Nota: You have already the project wsx5demo to test it. Nothing has been modified
Hello Axel,
that's strange... does it could depend on the width of the payment button?
Anyway we optimized the view of this page, especially for the responsive view, and we decided to leave the pay button always centered at the bottom. I think this solution is the better one and solves also your request.
It will be probably present in the next update.
Hello Steve,
This behaviour has been discusses with Stefano. Ask him.
And like you can see the button for payment is not in the center !
Yes, it's like I said. In this version is on the left in the responsive view. In the new update it will be centered.