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Jebran K.
Jebran K.

Shopping cart Not show complete  en

Автор: Jebran K.
Просмотрено 805, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

hello sir i am create a shopping cart but not show compelte side panel is hide only this cart show like pic

but sir how to complet show

plz check this link

5 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

you need to create your shop page without filter here: in the shop object TAb Settings.

you need to configure tthe shop with search and filter options in the special pages , step 3 way below special pages shopping cart search -> TAB Settings.

make on your normal shop a a button or search text and link that to the special pages search option, or create in your menu to shop options 1 for normal shop and one with search filter options.

Well there are more ways, it's all on how you would like to have it.

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Размещено От Andre E
Jebran K.
Jebran K.

hello sir i am allradey letst version use 

same problem

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Размещено От Jebran K.
Jebran K.
Jebran K.

hello Andre E Thank to Advise your advise is working Thankyou so much

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Размещено От Jebran K.
Andre E
Andre E

thanks for the feedback.

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Размещено От Andre E