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Theo J.
Theo J.

Audio player uploads ALL MP3 files every time  de

Автор: Theo J.
Просмотрено 1665, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


When using the Audio Player utility on a page of my website, the relevant mp3-files are uploaded to the server EVERY TIME, despite of the fact that i chose "upload changed files only".

Is that normal behavior? I did NOT change that page.


3 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Stefano G.

Hello Theo

What exactly did you change? Keep in mind that changing elements in the Header or Footer for example, will cause a reupload of all the website files. This is due to the fact that every file needs to be updated when such a change is performed. 

Perhaps your situation is similar. If a page needs to be reuploaded, all of its files will be reuploaded again.

Try to check what changes you're performing that might trigger this and let me know here if you discover anything new on this

Thank you



Hallo Theo

Was genau hast du geändert? Beachten Sie, dass das Ändern von Elementen in der Kopf- oder Fußzeile beispielsweise zu einem erneuten Hochladen aller Website-Dateien führt. Dies liegt an der Tatsache, dass jede Datei aktualisiert werden muss, wenn eine solche Änderung durchgeführt wird.

Vielleicht ist Ihre Situation ähnlich. Wenn eine Seite erneut hochgeladen werden muss, werden alle Dateien erneut hochgeladen.

Versuchen Sie zu überprüfen, welche Änderungen Sie durchführen, die dies auslösen könnten, und lassen Sie mich hier wissen, wenn Sie etwas Neues dazu entdecken

Vielen Dank


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Размещено От Stefano G.
Theo J.
Theo J.

Hello Stefano,

Today, i updated WSX5 to the latest Version and uploaded everything to server.

All fine.

After that, i just changed ONE DESCRIPTION of ONE song (see attached picture).  The rest of the page was NOT changed.

Then uploaded again to server, result is that ALL 5 songs are completely uploaded, although 4 of them were not changed at all.

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Размещено От Theo J.
Stefano G.

Hello Theo

Yes I can confirm that this is correct. As I mentioned before, keep in mind that changing elements in the Header or Footer for example, will cause a reupload of all the website files. This is due to the fact that every file needs to be updated when such a change is performed. 

if you change even a single element on one page, the entire page plus all its content will be re-uploaded again

This is right now the correct way in which the software works

I understand that this could surely be optimized further, but as of now it is not to be considered an error

I hope I was clearer now


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Размещено От Stefano G.